Dear nullers,
please remove license check from this file... means null this file please.
Thanks in advance
use a clean place when u upload and not all this s''t. If u need help
Please give us the full script if you want nulled it
thank you all for the help.
end file remove this
PHP Code:
$spbas = new ( );
$spbas->license_key = LICENSE_KEY;
$spbas->api_server = '';
$spbas->secret_key = '8805b120db07926cb7d313e07853c8d3';
$spbas->validate( );
if ($spbas->errors) {
exit( $spbas->errors );
unset( $spbas );
this audit calls the server that holds the license and verify that your license and good so if you die not tacks
but it is certainly not all there is certainly other place check and clean
over the keys seem to be easily modified, but ece that the server path, he compares you key etc.
And remove all classe spbas
sorry for my bad english I'm french
Coyora Mp3 Search Engine ? upload the full script and licens check will be removed and nulled is only spbas licens check nothing is hard all can remove this singel licens domain check so u must null
This link pour download core.class.php all modified
By cons I do not check the script I just remove the license check
@xiaofang, I removed all field verification and license/domain on this file after the rest did not aillant can do anything
Upload full script is moore place u must change in the script
i dont have full script, one of my friend gave me the only file which he paid 2$ someone to decode. i posted here to get this nulled.