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Full Version: PES Pro 2.0.2 + FB with 7 languages and 4 xTra modules
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turkish langues ?
Link dead upload again
will send pm.
add reps
PM the link.
REP + added
(04-15-2014 07:46 PM)saykoo Wrote: [ -> ]PM the link.
REP + added
+rep send linkk ?
add +rep after downloading

add +rep to omda12 too as the script im sharing is nulled by him (came
to know while installing the script and in the admin-panel homepage)
Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting


Somebody please make mirrors
After years I am in BBHF, You are the first person I added reputation because you added this: "Share and Help the needy". The script is running smoothe but I have not make it live yet. The other guy too much boosting and not sharing but he is selling his nulled 2.0.2 in his chinese domain.
(04-07-2014 03:21 AM)freeofcost Wrote: [ -> ]PES Pro 2.0.2 Nulled by someone downloaded from somewhere I do not remember.
Just wanted to share to check if it works.

* 7 Languages : ar, de, en, es, it, pt and ro
* FB module included
* xTra modules : Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and VK

Install and check the script if it works. Comment your feedback. Report errors/bugs (if any)

UPDATED Link to download.

rep+ please...
instagram not work
(04-20-2014 09:24 AM)stormalex Wrote: [ -> ]instagram not work
Im finding a working module for inst/pint/vk
did u try pinterest and vk???
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