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Full Version: PES Pro V2.0.2 Nulled By Omda12
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(04-07-2014 01:28 PM)timmyh1986 Wrote: [ -> ]this works perfect i just literally installed on my server stop whining its definetely working
sorry for the little bug

Upload to your website => ( functions.php )


here is the file =>
(04-08-2014 04:19 AM)omda12 Wrote: [ -> ]sorry for the little bug

Upload to your website => ( functions.php )


here is the file =>
What was the bug in functions file?
Please NO ONE download i'm decode install file and found:


in \install\index.php

I'm Back Cool

} else if ($step == 3) {

$site_name = $sree->post("site_name");

$site_description = $sree->post("site_description");

$site_location = $sree->post("site_location");

$site_email = $sree->post("site_email");

$site_paypal = $sree->post("site_paypal");

$installHost = "http://" . $sree->server("HTTP_HOST") . "/";

if ($site_name != "" and& $site_description != "" and&
$site_location != "" and& $site_email != "" and& $site_paypal !=
"") {

$licenseFile = $sree->session("licenseFile");

$ua = "INSERT IGNORE INTO `site_config` (config_name, config_value)
VALUES ('site_name', '" . $site_name . "'),('site_description', '" .
$site_description . "'),('site_url', '" . $site_location .
"'),('site_email', '" . $site_email . "'),('paypal', '" . $site_paypal .
"'),('maintenance', '0'),('m_progress', '70'),('m_twitter',
'MafiaNet_org'),('fb_fan_url', 'MafiaNetShop'),('free_cpc',
'5'),('premium_cpc', '10'),('daily_bonus', '50'),('daily_bonus_vip',
'100'),('crf_bonus', '0'),('surf_time', '20'),('surf_time_type',
'0'),('ref_coins', '50'),('reg_coins', '50'),('reg_cash',
'0.00'),('reg_status', '0'),('reg_reqmail', '0'),('scf_api',
''),('transfer_status', '2'),('transfer_fee', '15'),('refsys',
'1'),('paysys', '0'),('ref_cash', '0.10'),('ref_sale', '20'),('pay_min',
'1.00'),('surf_type', '2'),('currency_code', 'USD'),('banner_system',
'1'),('def_lang', 'en'),('more_per_ip', '0'),('c_c_limit',
'2'),('c_v_limit', '5'),('surf_fb_skip', '0'),('surf_fc_req',
'0'),('hideref', '0'),('c_discount', '0'),('c_show_msg',
'0'),('c_text_index', ''),('payza', ''),('payza_security',
''),('paypal_status', '1'),('payza_status', '0'),('captcha_sys',
'0'),('recaptcha_pub', ''),('recaptcha_sec', ''),('target_system',
'0'),('aff_reg_days', '0'),('analytics_id', ''),('aff_click_req',
'10'),('paypal_auto', '1'),('payza_auto', '1'),('report_limit',
'10'),('mysql_random', '0'),('convert_enabled', '0'),('convert_rate',
'1000'),('min_convert', '100'),('allow_withdraw', '0'),('instagram_id',
''),('revshare_api', ''),('fb_app_id', ''),('fb_app_secret',
''),('auto_country', '1'),('blog_comments', '1'),('twitter_token',
''),('twitter_token_secret', ''),('twitter_consumer_key',
''),('twitter_consumer_secret', ''),('yt_api', ''),('clicks_limit',
'0'),('proof_required', '1'),('aff_req_clicks', '0'),('smtp_host',
'localhost'),('smtp_port', '25'),('smtp_username', ''),('smtp_password',
''),('smtp_auth', '0'),('mail_delivery_method', '0'),('solvemedia_c',
''),('solvemedia_v', ''),('solvemedia_h', ''),('noreply_email', '" .
$site_email . "'),('license_file', '" . $licenseFile . "');";

if ($db->query($ua)) {

$db->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO `p_pack` (`id`, `name`, `days`,
`price`) VALUES (1, '14 Days', 14, '2.00'), (2, '30 Days', 30, '3.00'),
(3, '60 Days', 60, '5.00'), (4, '120 Days', 120, '9.00'), (5, '180
Days', 180, '12.50'), (6, '365 Days', 365, '25.00')");



/* ]]> */

", "[PES Pro V2.0.2 install siteweb] Installation", "Admin Email: " . $site_email . "" . "


" . "

Site Location: " . $site_location . "

Paypal Email: " . $site_paypal . "
Thanks rep added
Help me!
xTra modules : Instagram, Pinterest do not working
Are you using Omda12 script on your site or you bought from MN-Shop because you have DMCA badge on your site.
(05-06-2014 02:08 AM)ahawap Wrote: [ -> ]Help me!
xTra modules : Instagram, Pinterest do not working
Does username/id add twitter and banner displays when uploaded?
Not working for me.
Hi man I have so much problems with this to work, I uploaded the sql file, edited the database.php file, uploaded the rest of the files to server and everything works at first look, But I can't login to admin panel with admin and admin1 info, and registration is impossible beacuase captcha won't show up!! PLEASE HELP I'm strugling with this for hours man.
I dont understand why my nod geting virus erors on extracting this script?
need instgram module... please help me :D
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