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[Image: Female Orgasm Black Book Oral Sex Secret...Covers.jpg]

There was a lot of work that went into putting this document together. I
can't tell you how many countless hours are spent putting together this
manual. That means that this information has value, and your friends,
neighbors, and co-workers may want to share it.

These oral sex techniques are best used after the first long and slow L***.
Use these techniques to establish rhythm, and build the tension
necessary for an orgasm. Some thing to remember:

Always start off slow, and gradually progress faster.

Always start away from the clitoris, and work your way to direct contact on the clitoris.

When you reach the Secret
Twitch, use the techniques use a technique that predominantly targets
the clitoris. Again, youll have your finger inside of her, and feel for
the twitch. Also, keep in mind that the number of possible patterns
are endless. You can combine one technique with another, transition
into a variety of techniques, but remember to go through the following steps (you can review this in chapter 7):

Step 1: First Contact

Step 2: Establishing Rhythm

Step 3: Secret Twitch Method

Magic Button :
Thank you.
Thanks a lot
The other book by the same author is good

Thank you!
Thanks and Rep......
stillstanding, thanks reps added
Hey SS, thanks for the share, this should be an interesting read, repped.

This book reminds me of Sam Kinison. In one of his standups, he mentions the best way to "orally please" is "if your face looks like a glazed donut and your eyelids are sticky afterwards, then you did a good job". LOL
Nice share OP. + Rep added.
rep added :D
you keep on sharing quality stuff, thanks again
Pages: 1 2
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