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Full Version: [GET] Tumblrplug bot free (Gain tumblr followers fast with one click)
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Number one tumblr promotion site! Promote your Tumblr free and easy and find blogs you like!Now way more effective thanks to built in OCR solver wysiwyg imageGaining Tumblr followers never was so easy.

[Image: tumblrplug-bot.png] key features:

Automatically promote given blogs
Automatically follow back at tumblr (pro)
Random delay between posts
Support multiple URLs
Rotate descriptions
Solve numeric captchas automatically
Prompt or automatic decaptching of reCAPTCHA
HTTP requests based, save your bandwidth (thousands of posts takes just few MB)


Direct Download:

Virus Total scan:

If someone of our great crackers has any time can put his hands on this, but this free version is great enought to share with you guys. Please REP me if this is useful for you!
Greetings to all. Have a nice day ;)
Too bad it isn't clean.
(04-06-2014 07:44 AM)Nictoe Wrote: [ -> ]Too bad it isn't clean.
What you mean? Virus scan - 0 / 49
it need activation key
(04-07-2014 03:55 AM)coyking Wrote: [ -> ]it need activation key
Just click "free version" button of the bottom of the login screen
seems really fishy
not working problem Tumblr
(04-07-2014 06:39 PM)julian71 Wrote: [ -> ]not working problem Tumblr
It works now.

(04-07-2014 03:21 PM)fnatic Wrote: [ -> ]seems really fishy
The bot not contain any viruses, trojans, backdoors etc. according to the analysis. No need to enter any personal information, only your tumblr url (login details in pro version for auto follow back)
It generates for me some followers, pageviews and link clicks from real visitors (not so targeted but free on autopilot) to my tumblr blogs. Use at your own risk if you want :)

Greetings and success to all.
Reference URL's