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Full Version: Jim Edwards - How To Write And Publish An Ebook in 7 Days plus ELITE Eclass OTO Upsale
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Jim Edwards - How To Write And Publish An Ebook in 7 Days plus ELITE Eclass OTO Upsale
Jim Edwards - How To Write And Publish An Ebook in 7 Days plus ELITE Eclass OTO Upsale [ 5 videos (m4v) + 5 audios (mp3) + 14 ebooks (pdf)]

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[Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!]
http://[Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!].net/folder/2419924/Jim_Edwards_7_Day_Ebook.html
These files are for Premium Accounts Only - this guy is a turkey, bum, scammer for posting herein BBHF. He should be Banned!!


(04-29-2014 01:38 AM)gnucanuck Wrote: [ -> ]These files are for Premium Accounts Only - this guy is a turkey, bum, scammer for posting herein BBHF. He should be Banned!!


Report him or anyone else doing this instead of complaining about it and they will be!
I have reorted him, so don't bother.
On a plus note, I have a premium account and downloading the files now. Will upload them to a free source and post as soon as I can so all VIP's can enjoy them as they were intended. I will make a new thread for them when they are ready...
I've reported him too.
Interested in this if anyone managed to get it. Thanks
(04-29-2014 02:29 AM)Ricardito Wrote: [ -> ]I've reported him too.
Interested in this if anyone managed to get it. Thanks
I've got it and am uploading the 3 files (1.3GB total) to my folder and will share it as soon as it is complete. Pretty slow rihgt now though... Wink
TY Merlin for your sage advice and I shall do report anyone like this from now on. Also TY and +3 Rep to for getting and putting up these files, I have unlimited bandwidth now - yes I pay for it, but it is worth it.


New uploaded thread and content here:

Thanks and have fun!
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