04-05-2014, 03:52 AM
![[Image: Demystifying Charisma - Swinggcat - Books Covers.jpg]](https://lh5.ggpht.com/-cXSf4N__HCw/T5UeBTsql-I/AAAAAAAAHcA/ZxHxAU3iw-s/s286/Demystifying Charisma - Swinggcat - Books Covers.jpg)
Hey guys, A few nights ago, I went barhopping with a friend of mine. We
both talked to truck loads of women and used practically the same
material on them. But by the end of the night my friend's results
were so bad he felt that he was blessed with an unlikable self. My
experience, however, was the total opposite. I felt like Satan with
pitchfork in hand, inciting one girl after the next to engage in some naughty mirth. Was it because of my looks? Was it because I have some impalpable
quality about me called charisma, which is not teachable? Was it
because I am Satan? No - it was none of these things. Instead, it was
due to a set of learned skills. I know this because, similar to my friend, I spent years feeling like a boring sloth before transforming myself into a flittering butterfly charming one group of women to the next.
But before I reveal to you the skills that distinguish a charismatic
Casanova from a floundering Waldo, I am going to give you a quick
overview of my method, Naturalized Attraction. - Swinggcat
Magic Button :