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Full Version: [GET] Kindle Cover Action Kit and Template - CoverActionPro for Photoshop
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Kindle Cover Action Kit and Template for Photoshop - CoverActionPro

These are useful and Mark always makes quality s.hit.

[Image: Snap.jpg]

[Image: Snap1.jpg]

They are free here:

There's also a torrent for the complete Cover Action Pro Bundle with Templates v1 and 2 + Bundle Course pack

BestBlackHatForum Link:
Thanks a lot Nonconformer
+max rep added
Can someone get the templates? Specifically the ones that were released last week
(04-04-2014 08:00 AM)ejm7788 Wrote: [ -> ]Can someone get the templates? Specifically the ones that were released last week
Post a request in the request forum.
plus rep to ya +
Thanks a lot Nonconformer
+max rep added Cool
Thank you for the share!
Thanks man. Quality share. Useful. Rep added.
nice share as always thanks rep added
thanks for the share . . . reps added.
Pages: 1 2
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