04-02-2014, 09:53 AM
Discover How to Gain Maximum Muscle-Strength in Minimum Time, Using Breakthrough Techniques
That Blow the Roof Off Traditional Ab Exercises.As a former Soviet Union
Special Forces conditioning coach Pavel Tsatsouline already knew a
thing or two about how to create bullet-stopping abs. Since then, he has
combed the world to pry out this select group of primevally powerful ab
exercises-guaranteed to yield the fastest, most effective results known
to man. According to Pavel, Crunches belong on the junk pile of
history, next to Communism. 'Feeling the burn' with high reps is a waste
of time!
Save yourself countless hours of unrewarding, if not
useless-if not damaging-toil. Get with the program. Make fast gains and
achieve blistering, rock-hard abs now.Fry your abs without the
spine-wrecking, neck-jerking stress of traditional crunches-using this
radical situp designed by the world's leading back and muscle function
expert, Professor Janda, from Czechoslovakia.No one-but no one-has ever
matched Bruce Lee's ripped-beyond-belief abs. What was his favorite
exercise? Here it is. Now you can rip your own abs to eye-popping shreds
and reclassify yourself as superhuman.When it came to wanting titanium
abs yesterday, the Soviet Special Forces didn't believe in delayed
gratification. Pavel gave them what they wanted. If you want abs that'll
put you in the world's top one percent, this cruel and unusual drill
does the trick.
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