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David Burnett - Dynamic Cash Flow System
[Image: Dynamic-Cash-Flow-System.png]
David Burnett - Dynamic Cash Flow System
Name Product: David Burnett - Dynamic Cash Flow System
COST: $5
Author: David Burnett
Size: 664 MB

The biggest challenge isn't finding a good product in the first place… It's overcoming the psychological hurdle that derails you

The "Facts" About Making Money Online Are All Lies

Dear Business Owner

Have you been told the truth about affiliate marketing? I say " Hell No!"

You are going to get it from straight from the gate on this and other topics. More time and money has been spent on keeping you off balance and distracted by empty promises of easy this and that with if you just buy one more "Tool" for your visual toolbox…That will not be happening today.

I've got a little story to tell. Just sit back and see if you don't relate.

I don't do well being a loner as much as I thought. Some of you know that I'm into running and have started to train for a major event coming up in June of this year.

Yesterday after dropping off my son at his before-school Orchestral practice near our house, my wife suggested then I try a different route for my morning run…Sounds like a plan!?

The next thing you know I find myself trekking up this un-familiar back road somewhere in the hills behind JPL (Jet-Propulsion-Labortory) …I don't know exactly what they do, but they've got a gang of security. It was a good run but something was amiss. I've run alone before in other settings, but this felt strange.

And then it dawned on me…I'd remembered hearing or reading a report of a 'mountain lion' who had been sited in the very area that I was running. Well, that reminder changed my whole experience up to that point. Now my "What if" thinking really went into hyper drive. In a matter of a nanosecond, it went from total enjoyment, to….

"Get me the Hell out of here!"

After getting back to my car and taking stock of what just happen, I know what I've got to do!

Go back and do the full length run I intended to do in the first place, before my 'Fight/Flight' system kicked in. My reaction was not so much irrational as it was unwarranted.

True, there was a warning about a sighting of a mountain lion and it was known to be around those parts. And yeah, I did read or hear it somewhere that this was the case. But ya know what?
I don't remember when. I don't remember where. I don't remember how? …with only fragmented Information, I allowed my whole experience to be altered.

It' probably been the same for many of you who have spent a small fortune on the latest and greatest "Push Button Product" that promises you "Millions!" by the close of your working day. Only to leave you in a fight/flight mode saying "Get me the Hell out of here!".

Well for me it was an 'unrealized' mountain lion. For you it could be a pissed off spouse who will no longer support in your pursued of "Online Riches" or that buddy who says "Man, They got exactly what they wanted…. Your credit card!". Whatever the case may be, remember what I said about going back and finishing what I had started? You do the same and let me show you how!

1. Find someone who is really doing it (e.g.- I have a 1307 member list that I built through Solo Ad marketing)

2. Own the product that you are promoting ( which means what I sell I keep…own the real estate friend!)
( place link )

3. This is crucial! GET A COACH!!! (There are very, very, choppy sea's out here; forgive me for the graphic language, but it's all made of CRAP!)

4. My final tip is: Create a DYNAMIC CASHFLOW! ( This is my focus… At least become an affiliate to get some green coming in?)

It really is quick and easy to get up and running. You don't even need a website to do this. There are people making thousands a day with no website of their own.

Better still. You will build your brand and rep with the people who do all the work for you and pay you well. Vendors. This is relationship building at its best.

Everyone wants to be taken to that secret utopia where all the big money players hang out. It does exist and it is a great place to be.

Becoming a power house affiliate will lead you there, and we are about to show you how!

Welcome to….
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