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Full Version: CONDOLENCE to BestBlackHatForum ADMIN his DEAD!!! :(
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lol i forgot today was april 1st
thanks you.. you avoid DEAD!!
LALA How good is it ?
Goddamnit LALA

You scared the shit out of me.

I thought it might be a prank, but happy that I am pranked and the ADMIN is safe.

Wow good one LALA. You are so HOTT. Huh
Oh you .. Oh YOU! Yeh, you got me

Happy April Fool's day Smile
....and I swore I would not fall for any jokes today....epic fail on my part!

nice one......
I got stuck when I heard that and after that, I remembered that it is 1 April :D )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Forgot the date. Maybe next year, the title can be the admin is ARRESTED?
nice trick
maybe the admin was shocked too Biggrin
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