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Full Version: [GET] Invisible Money, Hidden Assets, Secret Accounts + How To Be Invisible - J.J. Luna [pdf]
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Yeah this would be nice if someone can re-up...
I don't know whether this is also one among the list:

Magic Button :

Hope its useful too.
Yes that one is also by this author and looks like it has some overlap with the two books listed above.
Would still like to see the two books listed in the thread re-up'd but this one will also come in handy for a good read.

Thanks and +5 reps for posting this.

Voila I got another one.This is the one:

[Image: Snap1.jpg]

Here you go:

Magic Button :

I am searching and uploading here hoping that this will help you in difficult times in-case. I'll update as I find.

Gud day.
Anyone wondering - both of those books yongba posted ARE the exact books shared in this thread.
Thanks for posting this NC.
I realized I could not in good conscience leave a proper review unless I dug deeper into this thing.
Not surprisingly, I'm noticing a disappointing pattern in these recent "hide your stuff" and "become invisible" books and courses.

I dug into the author's "HOW TO SECRETLY RUN A HOME-BASED BUSINESS" chapter, since that's what members of this community are probably going to find most relevant and immediately useful and found this problem:
"You can sell such a business to someone else in any state or—in some cases—any nation in the
world. In 1989, one of my clients started a mail-order business from the spare bedroom in his cheap
tract house in a small town in Nevada. The initial investment was $1,500. The product had to do with a
paralegal service that was attractive to Europeans. The first year all he did was break even, so he lived
on his savings. Then sales began to grow by word of mouth. In 1992, he withdrew a six-figure bonus
(using a convoluted tax-free transaction) and kept working. In 1994, a privacy-oriented entrepreneur
from Nebraska purchased 100 percent of the stock in the corporation that owned the customer list for
Not a single neighbor knew a business had been run from that home, much less that he had been
netting up to $20,000 a month before taxes. And the taxes weren't all that much—90 percent of the
stock was in a charitable remainder trust, not subject to income tax. (A detail beyond the scope of this
book.) However, the basic reason for starting the business was privacy.
The fact that it did better than expected was a bonus."

"90 percent of the
stock was in a charitable remainder trust, not subject to income tax"

Not accurate at all.

The corpus of the Charitable Remainder Trust(CRAT) is not just allowed to accumulate, as a distribution must be taken every year.
If someone created a CRAT and did not take a distribution (monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, they have created a "private pension" and that is in direct vilation of the 1974 ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) law.

Nice story, though!
Well, not nice, because it's BS, but it's a story.

Another issue I have with this author is he gives an endorsement to Simon Black who is a fraud.

I would not be surprised if author of this book and "Simon Black" are actually the same person.

Anyway, DO NOT listen to authors in general that reference types of trusts to do things like avoid paying income tax.
They are not qualified to speak about such matters and are full of it.

I can count on one hand the number of people in the US who are qualified to talk about trust planning and
not one name in this entire book is on that list. Capiche?

I'll answer any questions via PM about how NOT to get fleeced by idiots selling or recommending trusts to do things.
Don't throw the baby out with the bath water, there's a lot of good information in both of these books.

As with anything on here, you gotta do your due diligence, especially when it comes to shuffling assets around.

I don't think he and Black are the same person. Different writing styles and Black actually does put out a lot of good info although more focused outside of the U.S. He gets bashed a lot, but the fact is, he puts out a lot of solid content.

Thanks for the review.

Anyone reading this, if you're wondering who we are talking about, have a look at some of these sites: click on the "resources" section at the top of the page

btw - Dollar Vigilante has a lot of info on Bitcoin and have my mindset basically. lol

Elvis, I'm gonna PM you, I have an idea for something.
(01-23-2015 04:29 AM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]Don't throw the baby out with the bath water, there's a lot of good information in both of these books.

As with anything on here, you gotta do your due diligence, especially when it comes to shuffling assets around.

I don't think he and Black are the same person. Different writing styles and Black actually does put out a lot of good info although more focused outside of the U.S. He gets bashed a lot, but the fact is, he puts out a lot of solid content.

Thanks for the review.

Anyone reading this, if you're wondering who we are talking about, have a look at some of these sites: click on the "resources" section at the top of the page

btw - Dollar Vigilante has a lot of info on Bitcoin and have my mindset basically. lol

Elvis, I'm gonna PM you, I have an idea for something.
Did not mean to take anything away from the merits of this book and to clarify, I only read How to be Invisible.
I actually enjoyed it very much and read it in basically one sitting last night.
It has plenty of potentially actionable info. I was entertained.

I also liked his references to Earl Nightingale's "The Strangest Secret" and some others.

PM returned NC and yes, it's a splendid idea. Potentially groundbreaking.
Thanks Yongba, reps given!

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