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Full Version: [GET] $454 in Passive Amazon Commissions - 16 Posts on One Site - No Paid Traffic, No Buying Backlinks
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Hey guys, the links are down. Can someone reup this please? Thank you so much!
Here you go!

AIO Mirror:

Magic Button :

Don't forget your manners and show some rep love!
(03-29-2014 05:30 AM)s8113 Wrote: [ -> ]Just skimmed it.
Create a review site for amzon porducts.
Find keywords using google kw planner and market smaurai/long tail pro.
Do some on page seo, little backlinking.
Author created about 17 review, And made $400 in 6 fu.king months. And Now selling it as WSO.
Very pathetic i would say.
so the inside of this book is the basic that somebody always do to run amazon affiliation business, isnt it?
Quasar, you ROCK!!

Rep added and thank you!
[WSO] – Straight Line Passive Amazon Commissions
The road to passive Amazon Commissions.
The 23 steps to a successful Amazon review site and the stats that make them tick.
You”ll know:
How to find a niche
How to install WordPress
What steps to go through to set up your site
Which plug-ins to use
The settings for every plug-in
What categories to create
What pages to put on your site
How to research your products
Read More
Download Link
great share thank you
Thanks for the guide guys! :D
Thanks to everyone who posted on this thread.

BackUp Mirrors for BBHF

Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :
Magic Button :

Password if asked:
Well said californiakid! Spoken like a gentlemen rather than a some punk a$$ B$tch.. lol
(03-29-2014 08:02 AM)California Kid Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-29-2014 05:30 AM)s8113 Wrote: [ -> ]Author created about 17 review, And made $400 in 6 fu.king months. And Now selling it as WSO.
Very pathetic i would say.
i haven't downloaded but this isn't pathetic. this is old school and it works. even if the commisions seem low, i can crank out those review sites in 2 weeks. after the seo(which is the real key here), 400 every 6 months is great. plus, christmas time, you can crank out that money in 2 months. sounds like the dude was telling his story in what worked for him. this is far from pathetic. in fact, since the income was a bit on the low side, seems like it was an honest wso. more honest than most out there. i think it's a little outdated myself(but still works) since youtube is great for reviews now. there's a psychology behind videos that not a lot of people take advantage of.

this wso sounds like it's good for newbies so i don't know why you're saying it's pathetic. maybe it's you who doesn't know any better huh?
Thanks mirrorman for updating the mirrors for this share! Erica Stone has some great advice in all her products although there is quite a bit of work involved. She does get realistic and repeatable passive results and that';s worth something to me to learn. Rep added.
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