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Full Version: [GET] Adsense Goldmine 3.3
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[Image: 161393-1NMBZb1384979627.png]

It’s about automated Adsense profits. Period. You’ll discover just how easy it is to create $1000/month Adsense websites using this script…in the shortest possible amount of time.
Here’s how it works:
You take a domain, you install the script in 5 minutes or less, you generate traffic using simple methods I’ll show you in the manual and Bingo – your automated Adsense empire is up and running.
The best part? Once setup, you can leave your Adsense websites pumping out cash on 100% Auto-Pilot!…

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well.. i'll be the first one to thank you about you sharing this...
...mashwinrk...thanks a lot
Appreciate the share, here are some mirrors
Been My Pleasure...
Already shared here:

Still +Rep for the share. Thanks :)
can someone review it
(03-26-2014 10:43 AM)patelnirpendra Wrote: [ -> ]can someone review it
Basically you have to do everything that you would normally do to make money with your own website.

In other words all the promotions you would normally do to get your site ranked, is exactly the same things that you're going to have to do to promote this Adsense Goldmine for you to make any money.
This was released in 2010 and was probably out of date then. Basic stuff and not particularly well explained. It is more a review of some techniques you can use to drive traffic to a website with any actual hard work glossed over in a sentence, like for example

"publish articles to 200 article directories'

Thanks to OP for posting.
(03-26-2014 11:09 PM)hucko22 Wrote: [ -> ]This was released in 2010 and was probably out of date then. Basic stuff and not particularly well explained. It is more a review of some techniques you can use to drive traffic to a website with any actual hard work glossed over in a sentence, like for example

"publish articles to 200 article directories'

Thanks to OP for posting.
thanx for the review. rep added Tongue
(03-26-2014 07:22 AM)leondari Wrote: [ -> ]Appreciate the share, here are some mirrors
Thanks for share bro +rep added.
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