03-31-2014, 07:35 PM
04-11-2014, 02:41 PM
(03-28-2014 09:21 PM)bane Wrote: [ -> ]please dont use a PPI network for the files OP. Your post is essentially spam. No affiliate or PPI links as per the rules of this forum. I think we all know you did this so that you make money of each download.Wrong as i use an uploader I dont use accounts of any file hosting for obvious reasons. Im not here to make money I have a job that pays enough. this is just a hobby and tusfiles is a decent host if people read before they click things! I even put instructions to avoid the stupid adware. people cant follow so not my problem. others can make mirrors.
tell me if i am wrong?
04-11-2014, 02:44 PM
(03-28-2014 09:11 PM)ruanjiandiguo Wrote: [ -> ]The so called downloader firstly ask you to install two useless and S*** search bar and blahblah, when you choose decline for the boring twice, it will show "installing AIO.7z", but guess what? It installed another THREE S*** malware in my PC, and when I uninstall them, it shutdown my computer, then, yes, it's not done yet, it changed my Chrome settings to default, all the favorits are gone!!!!!!Sorry but that is your own doing as you do not read.
I can only say, well, no one is going to blame you if you don't claim youself as a cracker, but it's really really funny you did this!!!

04-11-2014, 05:14 PM
(03-28-2014 09:11 PM)ruanjiandiguo Wrote: [ -> ]The so called downloader firstly ask you to install two useless and S*** search bar and blahblah, when you choose decline for the boring twice, it will show "installing AIO.7z", but guess what? It installed another THREE S*** malware in my PC, and when I uninstall them, it shutdown my computer, then, yes, it's not done yet, it changed my Chrome settings to default, all the favorits are gone!!!!!!Installing the search bars and other utilities is completely optional. You have an option to not to install it by unchecking the checkbox.
I can only say, well, no one is going to blame you if you don't claim youself as a cracker, but it's really really funny you did this!!!
04-17-2014, 11:20 AM
Hey, guys. Have you noticed anything about activation for LAIO lately. When I started it yesterday, it started to countdown uses and then wouldn't open at all. Are there any IP's that need to be blocked now in the hosts file?
04-17-2014, 02:39 PM
(03-28-2014 09:11 PM)ruanjiandiguo Wrote: [ -> ]The so called downloader firstly ask you to install two useless and S*** search bar and blahblah, when you choose decline for the boring twice, it will show "installing AIO.7z", but guess what? It installed another THREE S*** malware in my PC, and when I uninstall them, it shutdown my computer, then, yes, it's not done yet, it changed my Chrome settings to default, all the favorits are gone!!!!!!
I can only say, well, no one is going to blame you if you don't claim youself as a cracker, but it's really really funny you did this!!!

04-17-2014, 02:58 PM
You people that are whining obviously have no clue how to download from a mirror site.
Before you ungrateful leeches whine anymore and continue pointing the blame at other people for your own faults, how about you look at the CLEAR screenshot PRT posted at the bottom of his original post to guide you on downloading.
Untick the box for the downloader and you wont get all the crap you are crying about being installed on your system.
Before you ungrateful leeches whine anymore and continue pointing the blame at other people for your own faults, how about you look at the CLEAR screenshot PRT posted at the bottom of his original post to guide you on downloading.
Untick the box for the downloader and you wont get all the crap you are crying about being installed on your system.
04-18-2014, 12:30 AM
Another good share, PRT. I haven't tried it yet but I'm hoping its working. Reps added.
04-18-2014, 05:37 PM
Great share, thanks for it. Seems to be working though I've not tried posting with it.
04-18-2014, 11:32 PM
It Works... One of the good software i've used so far... The tools are very helpful so no need to use some other paid software to do some reasearch for my niche. The submission success rate is much higher than the other i've tried. Just use deathbycapcha and captcha sniper. The only problem is it was using to much of my pc resources maybe I have to upgrade my hardwares...
Now that i've tried it maybe i'll buy it from the developer... I just have to test the Ultimate Demon (hope someone have it) because i'm making a second tought for the two software.
Reps for PRT... Thanks Mate...
Now that i've tried it maybe i'll buy it from the developer... I just have to test the Ultimate Demon (hope someone have it) because i'm making a second tought for the two software.
Reps for PRT... Thanks Mate...