03-24-2014, 04:25 AM
![[Image: body.jpg]](http://110.imagebam.com/download/WA2WfGeFKDD3_1KkS7Dqyw/31623/316228554/body.jpg)
The Shift Network Presents
Discover the joy of embodied connection to yourself, others and our world
A Free Online Event That Unites Brain Scientists, Dancers, Doctors, Bodyworkers, Health Professionals, and YOU,
For the First Time EVER!
We’ve all been raised in a disembodied world – sitting at awkward desks for far too many hours, squinting at screens, learning through our brains alone, and thinking of our bodies as machines to feed with fuel rather than exquisite works of art to savor.
The result? We feel lethargic, isolated, disconnected and depleted. We develop strange diseases. We put on weight. We feel tense and uncreative.
The Body Intelligence Summit is here to change all that – helping you open new vistas of aliveness, joy, creativity, vitality and FUN through the journey of becoming more deeply, beautifully and deliciously embodied.
The truth is that your body holds vast intelligence and wisdom – from the precise communication system of your nervous system, to the power of your muscles, to the distributed sensitivity of your skin. Modern science is just barely discovering how complexly creative, wonderfully balanced and intricately interconnected it all is.
Loving Your Body, Living Your Dreams and Leading the Change
We are blessed to have all the magic and wonder of the universe, right here in our bodies, operating mostly without our conscious awareness.
What happens, though, when we DO bring our conscious awareness to our breath, our movement, our organs, our energy and our expressions? How much more powerful can we become? And how much more effective?
The next great frontier for us all to master is Body Intelligence. We grew up in a world that prioritized mental intelligence, and only recently learned that emotional intelligence is key for success in life. Now, we’re realizing that the intelligence needs to run all the way down to our very toes.
And that liberates us from all the old rigidities, discomfort and dis-ease that come from a mechanical way of treating our bodies.
People who have mastered Body Intelligence radiate more life force, joy and vitality. They are more creative. They live longer. They are more healthy, resilient and physically skilled. They are far more ably to live their dreams AND inspire positive change in others as well. As you master Body Intelligence, you become better able to create the kind of world you want to see.
Do you want to make the shift into Body Intelligence?
That’s why we’re excited to bring you the world’s leading experts in this emerging field to help you make powerful changes around accessing your body wisdom and living more fully in the present moment.
The benefits will be profound, not only on a personal level, but professionally as well. This summit is not just for personal growth; it’s also to activate and mobilize a whole new field of inquiry and exploration for all kinds of people – from doctors to dancers, bodyworkers to brain scientists.
Whatever your current level of Body Intelligence, this series can help you go to the next level, drawing from neurobiology, breathwork, dance and emerging healing modalities to discover undiscovered potential that you’ve had available all the time. If you’re sedentary and listless, this will help put you on the path to vitality and joy. And if you’re a yoga teacher, you’ll learn far more about the intricacies of accessing and working with the body’s native intelligence.
Join us for a groundbreaking event with the top experts in this emerging field, that can literally shift your life – your body – into a higher octave of vitality, joy and connection with yourself. You’ll experience benefits on not just on the physical level, but emotionally and spiritually, too.
During the Body Intelligence Summit, you will:
• Shift to living a body-centered life
• Live every day more grounded, focused and present
• Work more productively
• Relate more fully to your self and others: family, friends, co-workers, your community
• Have more access to your innate energy, vitality and intuition
• Cultivate a sense of deep nourishment
• Feel less tension in your body
• Be able to make decisions quickly and clearly
• Set yourself up to have the most FUN life ever!
The bottom line here is that the more you honor living in your body, the more all aspects of your life will overflow with ease.
With transformations like these, all dished out from the top experts in the world, there’s no way you can’t dance away from this summit deeply transformed – not into someone different, but into a deeper, more connected, more alive and engaged version of yourself.
Join us to create a more powerful and healthy relationship with your body, and take your very life to the next level. You deserve it... and the world needs it!
Meet our speakers and take a look at their topics:
The Honeymoon Effect: The Science of Creating Heaven on Earth
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.: Pioneer in the New Biology, Internationally Recognized Leader in Bridging Science and Spirit
Neuromovement: Change Your Brain to Overcome Pain and Reach New Levels
of Physical and Mental Performance
Anat Baniel: World-Renowned Psychologist, Founder of the Anat Baniel Method Center
The Worldwide Turn towards Direct Experience in Response to Contemporary Crisis
Don Hanlon Johnson: Professor of Somatics, Author, Founder of the First Graduate Degree Program in Somatic Psychology
What's Sacred and Sexy is Sustainable
Dean Ornish, M.D.: Founder and President of Preventive Medicine Research Institute, Author, and Clinical Professor of Medicine
at the UCSF
Anne Ornish: Co-founder and Creative Director of the Ornish Spectrum, Certified Integrative Health and Spirituality practitioner
TranscenDance, Transformation through Self-Love, and Life-DREAMS - Fully Embodied!
Jennifer Jimenez: Creator TranscenDance, (CIO) Chief Innovation Officer, Master Coach/Trainer
Educating in the 21st Century: Accelerating Learning with the "Brain in Mind"
Dr. Joyce Burick Swarzman: Headmaster, Corbett Prep, Florida Council of Independent School Board, Creator M.O.R.E. Approach To Learning
Deepening Emotional Intimacy
Robert Augustus Masters: Cofounder of Masters Center for Transformation, Psychospiritual Teacher and Guide
Dancing Through Life's Cycles Around the World
Melissa Michaels: Ed.D.; Founder Golden Bridge, SomaSource® Process, and Surfing the Creative® Rites of Passage Process
Creating Conscious Dance: JourneyDance meets Dancing Freedom
Samantha Sweetwater: Founder and Director, Dancing Freedom
Toni Bergins: Toni Bergins, MEd, Founder and Director of JourneyDance™
Somatic Focusing
Andrea Isaacs: Creator of EnneaMotion and Somatic Focusing
Dance as a Life/Art Process
Daria Halprin: Co-Founding Director of Tamalpa Institute, Founder of the Tamalpa International Collective
Whole Body Intelligence: De-stress on Demand, Transform Limiting Beliefs
and Create Change that Lasts
Steve Sisgold: Author, Speaker, Coach and Developer of Whole Body Intelligence.
Confessions of a 5Rhythms Dancer
Lucia Horan: Certified 5Rhythms® Teacher and Staff of 5Rhythms® Global
How Body Intelligence is Changing Corporations Paving the Way For a New Era
of Corporate Leadership
Diana Chapman: Co-Founder Conscious Leadership Forum
Jim Dethmer: Co-Founder of the Conscious Leadership Group
The Body's Way: Gaining Deeper Understanding of Your Body's Inherent Wisdom
and Capacities
Debbie Rosas: Founder and CEO of the Nia Technique
How to Use Body Language to Improve Body Intelligence
Kasia Wezowski: Co-Founder of Center for Body Language, Business Strategist, Author, and Body Language Expert
Patryk Wezowski: Co-Founder of Center for Body Language, Entrepreneur, Speaker, and Body Language Expert
Practicing Embodied Leadership On and Off the Dance Floor
Vinn Arjuna Martí: Award-winning Choreographer, Global Performer, Master Teacher, Creator of Soul Motion™ Conscious Dance Practice
Pathways to Playfulness: Cocréa Meets Interplay
Wren Lafeet: Creator, Director, Instructor, World-Weaver
Cynthia Winton-Henry: Cofounder with Phil Porter of InterPlay, a 25 Year Old Improvisation and Play Practice With Leaders
Dance-Movement Therapy's Contributions to Body Intelligence
Bonnie Bernstein: Bonnie Bernstein M.Ed., MFT, BC-DMT, REAT
Anna Kemble: Certified Dance-Movement and BodyMind Psychotherapist, and Creator/Producer of The Moving Child Film
Rena Kornblum: Executive Director of Hancock Center for Dance/Movement Therapy, Board Certified in Dance/Movement Therapy
The Neuropathway to Love: How Media Effects Our Lives
Mikki Willis: Filmmaker, Founder of Elevate
Your Hosts
Gay and Katie Hendricks are co-founders of the Hendricks Institute and have written over 30 books, trained thousands of coaches, appeared on Oprah, and hosted seminars around the globe. They've broken through the muck of limiting beliefs — and explored the boundless creativity, intimacy, and ease on the other side.
Lamara Heartwell is a body intelligence expert who speaks, facilitates and performs, inspiring people to claim their bodies as an essential source of intelligence, power and pleasure. Lamara founded Santa Barbara Dance Tribe in 2009, a thriving twice-weekly ecstatic dance event with a strong community presence since its inception.
Mark Metz is the founder of the DanceFirst Association and Publisher of Conscious Dancer Magazine. Mark’s path to founding DanceFirst began in the early 90's in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury, when his artisan clothing store Ameba became ground zero for the rave explosion.
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