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[Image: user.jpg]

100% Unencrypted Source Code

With Pinnect you get full control over the functionality and possibilities of your site.

Full source code enables you to modify

absolutely every aspect of your site including design and programming.

It is possible to add new features, modify existing funtionality to turn your Pinnect into something truly unique!

[Image: installation.jpg]

Easy Installation

We did our best to make Pinnect installation a seamless and fairly easy process:

  1. online installer
  2. complete installation guide
  3. and finally if you fail to install the script by yourself our tech support will be there to install it for you free of charge

[Image: modular.jpg]

Amazing Modular Structure

The greatest thing about Pinnect is its modular structure. There
is a core - essential package with default functionality - and it can be
“extended” by modules.

This approach makes the level of customization that can be applied to Pinnect nearly unlimited.
User Demo=

[Image: user.jpg] This is the user interface demo - that's how your users will access your site.
All add-on modules are enabled in this demo. We have created several sample
posts, likes, re-posts and accounts for your convenience.

Sample User


Password: pinnect

Admin Demo=
[Image: admin.jpg] This is an admin console demo. You will be using it to manage, configure and control your picture bookmarking site.
Demo doesn't have any restrictions - please feel free to test anything you need.

Admin Login Info


Password: pinnect


Download this script
No installation folder.
it doesn't need installation folder. it will redirect automatically for installation.

which version is it?
Looks good vaviv. Thnx.
I havnt tried this yet but I will, I have +rep too

Many thanks!
not install folder
(07-07-2014 12:44 PM)dosome Wrote: [ -> ]v1.1.2 is

(07-07-2014 01:55 PM)dosome Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-07-2014 12:44 PM)dosome Wrote: [ -> ]v1.1.2 is

Strict Standards: Non-static method UFactory::getModuleAlias() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorkletConstructor.php on line 254

Strict Standards: Non-static method UFactory::getModuleAlias() should not be called statically in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/base/UFactory.php on line 88

Strict Standards: Non-static method UFactory::getModuleAlias() should not be called statically in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/base/UFactory.php on line 97

Strict Standards: Non-static method UFactory::getModuleAlias() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorkletConstructor.php on line 254

Strict Standards: Non-static method UFactory::getModuleAlias() should not be called statically in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/base/UFactory.php on line 88

Strict Standards: Non-static method UFactory::getModuleAlias() should not be called statically in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/base/UFactory.php on line 97

Strict Standards: Non-static method UWorkletConstructor::clear() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorkletManager.php on line 160

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorkletConstructor.php:254) in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/protected/modules/base/worklets/WBaseInit.php on line 118

Strict Standards: Non-static method UFactory::getModuleAlias() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorkletConstructor.php on line 254

Strict Standards: Non-static method UFactory::getModuleAlias() should not be called statically in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/base/UFactory.php on line 88

Strict Standards: Non-static method UFactory::getModuleAlias() should not be called statically in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/base/UFactory.php on line 97

Strict Standards: Non-static method UFactory::getModuleAlias() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorkletConstructor.php on line 254

Strict Standards: Non-static method UFactory::getModuleAlias() should not be called statically in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/base/UFactory.php on line 88

Strict Standards: Non-static method UFactory::getModuleAlias() should not be called statically in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/base/UFactory.php on line 97

Strict Standards: Declaration of UWorkletAccessRule::isUserAllowed() should be compatible with CAccessRule::isUserAllowed($user, $controller, $action, $ip, $verb) in /home2/addpangc/public_html/pinnect/framework/uniprogy/framework/worklets/UWorkletAccessRule.php on line 20

Error 500

Non-static method UFactory::getModuleAlias() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context
Reference URL's