03-19-2014, 10:49 PM
Version 2.0
- Optional display in post excerpts
- Added Autoupdates with CodeCanyon license integration
- Optional Speed for floating buttons
- Optional counts
- Pinterest button can now change color
- Hide floating on mobile
- Added a widget
- Jigoshop integration
- WooCommerce integration
- Easy Digital Downloads integration
- Added Reddit sharing button
- Added VKontakte sharing button
- Added Shortcode for total share count only
- Added custom css field
- Fixed styling issue with mail button
- General CSS fixes
- Fixed bug with titels that had html elements in them
- Optional top and bottom margins for easy placement options
- Added the plugins language folder as textdomain
- Now we get counts from https API’s if possible – is not possible for Reddit and Delicious
- Optional Open Graph tags