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Full Version: [Sale] PR 0 Blog. -.-
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Well, I made this thread so long ago to sell a blog and that already sold. I just found out one of my another blog, that I'm not using for 5+ months. o.o So, Gonna sell for cheapest price.

PR: 0
Visitor: Not sure
Domain: NameCheap
All Contents: Unique and 100% Passed By CopyScape.
Platform: Blogger

(I know, Blogger's platform not allow to sale. But some people buying it. Already sold 1 before).. So Yeah.!!

Skype: I.Am.Reaz

Price: Can Do For $17 / $18

If You Start Maintain This Site. ;) The Visitor Will Come Back For Sure. ^.^At Least 500+ A Day.

If Anyone Interested To Buy. You Can PM me..

Updated: 12.10.2014
BUMP. :/ Let me see, if anyone interest or not. :(
try flippa
(03-26-2014 07:03 AM)dlane1987 Wrote: [ -> ]try flippa
I could try. :/ But need to give fee . can't invest.
That is a good site.
What is the price tag that you are looking for?
if u want to sell, should provide traffic stats and etc
@Redders, Price any. As i can't maintain this site now. -.- Just offer any price, you like. Hopefully, i will happy to give you the site.

@magna, when i made this site. The site was getting 800-1000 visitors daily. But i was inactive for 4 month and didn't work. Now, the visitor is 100 per day. (To be honest).

Anyone can PM me. if like to discuss more about it. Thanks.
@callmeReaz - before someone make a ridiculous offer, I think it is best that you set a target.
The offer made to Whatsapp is ridiculous in my opinion.
(03-26-2014 04:12 PM)Redders Wrote: [ -> ]@callmeReaz - before someone make a ridiculous offer, I think it is best that you set a target.
@senoob, Sorry. Not understand, what you said. :/
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