03-19-2014, 06:52 AM
you have got to be quick to get this free... from amazon itself
the author is giving it away to his subscribers for a limited time before he sells it to the public again at a higher price... to get some reviews... he actually sold a lot of copies for 99 cents, and it is an amazon bestseller already
sorry, cannot find this yet anyplace else for free, so if you already have an amazon account or use amazon kindle for pc, you can download this free for a limited time... also, if you did not know, you can download it to the amazon cloud reader, if you have one of those accounts
There's a lot of bable and goblledy-gook and 20-dollar words surrounding the subject of branding. This very short and free/inexpensive e-book cuts through all that to give you a very clear, workable, and actionable understanding of:
1) What branding really is at it's core (it's simpler than you probably think)
2) How to create a brand -- not just a "brand identity" that exists only in your own private dream world but a real-honest-to-goodness brand as identified and understood in the minds of your prospective customers.
3) How the cultural shift we're undergoing in moving from Baby Boomer values to Millenial and Gen Z values affects your brand
And the book explains it all in that order, by the way, which is great because it allows the book to be both highly grounded in unchanging fundamentals, and yet still incredibly current on the changes being wrought in society and business and how your business can prosper because of (or in spite of) them.
lets see if anyone mirrors it
if you find this helpful please rep to see more
the author is giving it away to his subscribers for a limited time before he sells it to the public again at a higher price... to get some reviews... he actually sold a lot of copies for 99 cents, and it is an amazon bestseller already
sorry, cannot find this yet anyplace else for free, so if you already have an amazon account or use amazon kindle for pc, you can download this free for a limited time... also, if you did not know, you can download it to the amazon cloud reader, if you have one of those accounts
Magic Button :
There's a lot of bable and goblledy-gook and 20-dollar words surrounding the subject of branding. This very short and free/inexpensive e-book cuts through all that to give you a very clear, workable, and actionable understanding of:
1) What branding really is at it's core (it's simpler than you probably think)
2) How to create a brand -- not just a "brand identity" that exists only in your own private dream world but a real-honest-to-goodness brand as identified and understood in the minds of your prospective customers.
3) How the cultural shift we're undergoing in moving from Baby Boomer values to Millenial and Gen Z values affects your brand
And the book explains it all in that order, by the way, which is great because it allows the book to be both highly grounded in unchanging fundamentals, and yet still incredibly current on the changes being wrought in society and business and how your business can prosper because of (or in spite of) them.
lets see if anyone mirrors it
if you find this helpful please rep to see more