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Full Version: Beware before downloading wordpress themes and plugins [adwatch]
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Upload to first guys..then try to detect with grep some malicious code, encrypted...

If its encrypted even a little part I used to avoid install anything in my servers.
Just my 2cts
Tried to upload virustotal but it shows nothing suspicious at all.. Any fix? share here please.
Thanks for the info
(03-19-2014 09:15 AM) Wrote: [ -> ]Tried to upload virustotal but it shows nothing suspicious at all.. Any fix? share here please.
Use the following plugins to scan for malicious code. Both are free!

TAC (Theme Authenticity Checker)

Exploit Scanner
Hi, does anyone knows where the script is, i got infected in two themes ( the7 and 3clicks) both randomely open and then redirect again to the website, i start diging searching for base64, eval on files and then on database on cron jobs and i cant find anything, and then i bought the themes from themeforest and the adds didnt stop after i remove all files the infected theme and then put the ones that i bought.
Does anyone knows how to remove this, thanks.
Its almost hidden please find it where it is, its not able to find after trying so many security scans. even after purchase its still causes issues? as explained by the above user. its a head ace now. Please help
Thanks for the share...
Does any one have any clue how to fix this? please
If you have the folder with the infected plugin somewhere on your pc, download grepwin [it's free] and then right-click on the folder and search for the malicious code e.g. input and search.

As far as all those comments about "I got a theme and it is infected" you post, I really don't know what you expect. Do you REALLY expect from people to start downloading themes randomly and check them for you? Nobody has time for this, unless YOU show some initiative. E.g., why don't you start a new thread and post your infected themes [you actually have to upload them somewhere first], and maybe someone will find the time to help you. Just stop posting "help" and start doing something.
I searched for it with grepwin but not able find any thing, its encrypted a lot i think. Do you have any idea how to find now.?
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