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Full Version: Frank Luntz- Words That Work; It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear
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Frank Luntz- Words That Work; It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear
[Image: tovd.png]
Frank Luntz- Words That Work; It's Not What You Say, It's What People Hear (2007) [1 CD (MP3)]

I did see that there is a CD version out there
(of 5 CDs) this is not that one, this is only 1 CD (sponsored version).

http://[Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!].net/file/280d35edad8ed46dc342cb15e3707ab0/Frank_Luntz-_Words_That_Work;_It's_Not_What_You_Say.html

{{{Blocked by Omni Potens, reason: reports from LEGIT GB STARTER}}}
This ALSO can only be downloaded by Premium account, WTF???
Keep getting "wrong password" no matter if I use feedurbrain or bbhf as passwords
Yes, I am getting the same result when opening this with either 7z or RAR Repair Tool.


password is the same as mentioned by the OP

{{{Blocked by Omni Potens, reason: reports from LEGIT GB STARTER}}}

worked for me
(05-27-2014 04:15 PM)roomi12344 Wrote: [ -> ]password is the same as mentioned by the OP

{{{Blocked by Omni Potens, reason: reports from LEGIT GB STARTER}}}

worked for me
Worked fine for me as well, guess it really is true...
Biggrin Tongue Biggrin
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