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Movie Magic Scheduling 6.0.374

Latest Version

Direct Download

Sales Page:

Movie Magic Scheduling 6 is a software solution that works the way schedulers think, featuring powerful tools that enable you to create and view schedules with increased flexibility, accuracy, and efficiency.

Your production schedule is the essential tool that takes your project from script to actionable plan. Movie Magic Scheduling 6 offers a range of tools you won't find in any other scheduling software. Workflows are designed to incorporate the time-tested concepts of the Stripboard while offering a variety of scenarios to consider: different shoot lengths, re-ordered scenes, comparisons in location, and more.

Movie Magic Scheduling 6 helps you prepare schedules that allow your team to make the best production decisions possible.

Key Features

Red Flags

Keep your schedules accurate by setting reminders that dynamically appear on the Stripboard when your Elements have conflicts. This will help to avoid potential scheduling disasters.

Element Linking

Save time and stay accurate by linking up related Elements as needed to make certain they automatically appear together — and even link retroactively.

Export to Movie Magic Budgeting 7

Integrate with the industry standard budgeting software. Pull Elements directly into your budget for more efficient data entry.

System Requirements:

- 1GHz processor
- Windows® 7 or 8

- Intel® processor
- Mac OS X® 10.8 or 10.9

- 1 GB RAM or higher
- 200 MB Hard Disk Space
- Minimum Display Resolution 1024x768
- Internet connection required to activate product
- JDK/JVM 1.6

Direct Download:

Installation Instructions:

Put the licensing.jar in the following folder (assuming MM was installed in the default location): /Applications/Movie Magic/MM Scheduling/lib

Templates are in your home folder under MMData.

And, you know what the best part is? This licensing.jar works for more than just the scheduling app.

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Virus Total Crack Only:

SHA256: 42beacf80b79354ff917886bbff6d2827bc4f8daf73cabb9bdd4e7900e77a3ef
File name: MMpatcher.rar
Detection ratio: 0 / 48
Analysis date: 2014-03-17 00:18:35 UTC ( 0 minutes ago )

From a Satisfied Customer:

You can't make a film without doing clear and exact scheduling, day for day, shot for shot. This program allows you to have all the various tools for pre and production scheduling at your fingertips, instead of a cobbled together system from a dozen different sources.

I normally use Excel, Word and a few other tools, and do the break-downs "by hand" (after nearly 50 years in the "biz", man and boy, you get an instinct for how to do the break downs), but this tool, along with its sister budgeting tool, puts everything together for you, which, if you haven't had to do all this on a typewriter for 20-odd years, will be easier, once you have learned the program's internal logic.

As for how to use it, the web site of the publisher has the how-to guides.

Thanks to INQUISITOR for the upload and share! Heart Smile
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