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kalle1 you are funny guy, really funny hahahaha i know who you are so...please...psssttttt....and share sh*t here and njoy with this crap and hack all host with your bugs script, malicious code etc.I'd rather pay for something and that it is working properly but yours no pst..lie people
Thanks I think this work great, but I am problem when uploading image in product add page, it says: Upload error. Does this due to my connexion? or What?
in classes_lib

class Lib_Components
function createComponent($type,$values,$att,$default=0)
return $this->createComboBox($values,$att,$default);
return false;

function createComboBox($values,$att,$default)
$component = '<select '.$att.'>';
foreach($values as $key=>$item)

/// echo htmlentities($key)."<BR>";
$component .= '<option value="'.$key.($key==$default ? '" selected="selected"' : '').'">'.$item.'</option>';
return $component .= '</select>';
As I said, script is big crap! full of bugs people don't use it.... script is not good...understand for once OMG. fake script.
Eh please. I don't understand. What must I do in order user can upload image when adding products. Because it display error when uploading Product

Thanks for this great share

(03-18-2014 03:52 AM)kalle1 Wrote: [ -> ]in classes_lib

class Lib_Components
function createComponent($type,$values,$att,$default=0)
return $this->createComboBox($values,$att,$default);
return false;

function createComboBox($values,$att,$default)
$component = '<select '.$att.'>';
foreach($values as $key=>$item)

/// echo htmlentities($key)."<BR>";
$component .= '<option value="'.$key.($key==$default ? '" selected="selected"' : '').'">'.$item.'</option>';
return $component .= '</select>';
when i install this im not getting any thing
please can someone share the two missing .htaccess files
root and install

im running cpannel with php 5.5 server ive try the .htaccess example but it dident work for me
any help would be grateful

As we all said this is not a script like TURN KEY script and yes aj sell only support script and make money on all script all host use diffrent. and this schoolboy pr3d4t0r sell script so he is only a kid nomoney no brain and only use turn key script. we help as you ready know behind the school boy's ass you mail on the mail u got
pr3d4t0r explain if u know what bugs is or maybee u don't know yes this is not a turn key but there is a big diffrent betveen bugs and schoolboy's u know 1+1*3,14=
still request help. I can not add picture when adding image. This script work for on my domain: . I install it with so easy way. The only is user can not add picture when adding product. the file "uploadedimages" as 777 permission. What helse?
ahahahah indian sh*t script with kalle1 or xiaofang and all of nick here lol......funny funny, people don't use script have a lot of bugs, this is crap from kalle1 frustrated man lol
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