Best Blackhat Forum

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I'm happy I found this great forum.

I'm passionate about growth hacking, marketing automation and ux design.

I'm working a lot of with Wordpress, I'm front-end developer, designer, bass player and working hard to become a growth hacker :)

I was building many years business websites for others, now I would like to create my own online business, I have technical skills, I know how to build websites, web apps and create good design. What I need are SEO and online marketing skills, how I can validate my ideas and promote them.
I hope this forum and its community help me to achieve my goals.

If you need a beautiful and clean theme for list building with well designed opt-in boxes, let me know. I'm working now on a genesis child-theme, I will share it as soon as it's ready.

I wish you all great weekend!
welcome to the forum! are you in a band?
Hey California Kid,
yes, I'm in the band :)
Hi, this is kaamil, who owns a forum and couple of blogs. Glad to be here and hope you all have a good day.
you are beating around the bush. what do you really want? what are you willing to give up to get what you want?
I'm new to this great forum as well. I must be missing something because GrowthHacker, which is a great name btw, announced he just found this forum and joined. But, his (her) profile states that he has acquired celebrity status here, as well as over 5,000 posts, while joining in the last 30 days.

What am i missing? And to be clear, I'm not questioning the celeb status or the 5,000 posts. So please don't be hating. What i'm wondering is, am i reading this incorrectly? I must be.

This is my 1st post here, and i'm fully expecting to get clubbed over the head for asking a likely dumb question.
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