05-17-2014, 03:26 AM
Yes hunter we keep your eyes ON you. U most check script befpre u post old crap or modded old thehunters in here and hunters in [Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]
(05-16-2014 04:49 PM)xiaofang Wrote: [ -> ]Share this is lots of cheaters on this site. so if you have the script share a part like SHOPPING CART and BIDDING Plugin and maybee someone belive and pay you for scriptYes I agree with you.. Unfortunately I don't post a lot so that affects my reputation points. But I am definitely not a cheater.. never have been and never will be. Here is a screen shot of the Shopping Cart and Bidding Plugin files to prove that I have the script. Obviously if I did not have the script there is no way I would have this plugin for Flynax 4.3
(05-16-2014 06:13 PM)thehunters Wrote: [ -> ]I wasn't asking anyone to beg as you said... Yes I have no reputation on here and I agree.. because I don't post messages on the boards and that's my own fault for not working on building a reputation.. but it doesn't mean I am up to no good. Possibly someone will share the version 4.3 at some point.. but If you notice everyone even the older version 4.1 has OLD plugins. I have ALL of the newest plugins for version 4.3 which no one else has along with the new responsive templates that are only for version 4.3.(05-16-2014 07:00 AM)Sylar2013 Wrote: [ -> ]Ok guys.. I have a FULLY Functional version of flynax 4.3....... ......... send me a message because I need the money bad (sorry but true)Who are you? What's your reputation here???
Sooner or later, will be someone to share the 4.3 version, free of charge, and not to beg you for that..
So, guys.. keep your eyes on me ;)
(05-17-2014 08:36 AM)Sylar2013 Wrote: [ -> ]Possibly someone will share the version 4.3 at some point..For free!
(05-18-2014 08:50 AM)xiaofang Wrote: [ -> ].. If you buy it yourself...only if you have the money.. but if you don't???????
(04-30-2014 06:16 PM)thehunters Wrote: [ -> ]hey the problem in php 5.4.x.(04-29-2014 10:25 PM)trimba Wrote: [ -> ]..........
This version of Flynax is damaged when is installed. You see a white screen during configuration. It's the version witch I posted it and I asked to be repaired by someone.
Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/includes/classes/rlHook.class.php on line 123