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Full Version: [GET] How To Be A Rockstar In Any Niche + Traffic and List X - Simon Hodgkinson [pdf]
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Pages: 1 2
Thanks NonConformer. Great share! +3rep.
You're right. NonConformer is the Ultimate RockStar. He rocks real good!
(03-13-2014 02:55 AM)babloodabloo Wrote: [ -> ]Well in this forum u r currently my GURU so i +rep u for that :-D
Pls don't share 2006-2007 or older stuff... it totaly @#$##@$
(05-03-2014 10:15 PM)srixzix Wrote: [ -> ]Pls don't share 2006-2007 or older stuff... it totaly @#$##@$
STFU, don't tell me what to share or not share. And if you think date has anything to do with fundamental marketing and copy-writing, you shouldn't be in business.

Any "tactic" that is outdated can be replaced or upgraded with another "tactic." Tactics come and go, fundamentals do not, noob. If the entire content was nothing but tactics I wouldn't of shared it to begin with, but it's not, which is obvious if you've actually read it and used it.

Go back to chasing shiny things while the rest of us actually make money.
(05-04-2014 04:55 AM)NonConformer Wrote: [ -> ]
(05-03-2014 10:15 PM)srixzix Wrote: [ -> ]Pls don't share 2006-2007 or older stuff... it totaly @#$##@$
STFU, don't tell me what to share or not share. And if you think date has anything to do with fundamental marketing and copy-writing, you shouldn't be in business.

Any "tactic" that is outdated can be replaced or upgraded with another "tactic." Tactics come and go, fundamentals do not, noob. If the entire content was nothing but tactics I wouldn't of shared it to begin with, but it's not, which is obvious if you've actually read it and used it.

Go back to chasing shiny things while the rest of us actually make money.

Nothing wrong with the older stuff especially when it's well written.
Besides I've decided to go back to the beginning as I reckon I have missed something even though I'm a marketer weird as that sounds.

Thanks Max reps given.
Pages: 1 2
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