I want to do create an Ad in 7search, But I am afraid of the loss.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you...
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I have bidvertiser account and want to promote cpa offers, I also have the same fear of lost plq help me also, how to reach targetted peoples
advice :
just no to 7search and bidvertiser
don't advertise on them not a quality traffic
Hey i can Help you with 7search campain pm me !
Hey i can Help you with 7search campain pm me !
Hi, with 7search they give you 25$ for free when you sign up. So use these 25$ to play around and see if it's worth the investment!
I tried 7search months ago without success, poor traffic quality lot of clicks NO conversion
I did better with FB ads cheaper and better ROI
Good luck
no no no
i try and i lose my money on 7search