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Full Version: [GET] Mobile Apps Developer Training [using one of Seattle Cloud Platform]
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(03-14-2014 12:48 AM)parizaki Wrote: [ -> ]Hey all,
Here's the link to the whole member area.

Thanks and ENJOY!

+REPs are always APPRECIATED!
Thanks so much! Wish I had more reps to give.

I found this by accident, looking at something else that had nothing to do with mobile. Funny thing is, I just recently (a couple days) started looking at information about selling apps. Wow...thank you!
Thank you parizaki, Max Reps added.
Was the 'motivational quotes for success' (sample apps) was created in SC? Is it customized?

Any recommendation for SC reseller who use this type of template (if it is a template) will be highly appreciated :)
thanks great share!
(01-07-2015 10:40 AM)artshinobi Wrote: [ -> ]Was the 'motivational quotes for success' (sample apps) was created in SC? Is it customized?

Any recommendation for SC reseller who use this type of template (if it is a template) will be highly appreciated :)
The training is from SC so yes.

If your ready to get started with SC then Check out Maria Stone's "Elite Wealth Builder" BSO, that's what I did :)

She is offering the best deal on SC developer accts anywhere :)
Worth gold - +5reps for your kindness.
+5 rep for the effort but the entire training is for 2012 2015 now and things have changed... most of the app recommended in the training are seen as spammy or of no value by google now and google clean their marketplace regularly of developers that make those kind of apps (no warnings... if you have 3-4 rejections for any reasons you are on the list for removal) ... I speak from experience!
(01-08-2015 02:10 AM)the1morph Wrote: [ -> ]+5 rep for the effort but the entire training is for 2012 2015 now and things have changed... most of the app recommended in the training are seen as spammy or of no value by google now and google clean their marketplace regularly of developers that make those kind of apps (no warnings... if you have 3-4 rejections for any reasons you are on the list for removal) ... I speak from experience!
so mate what do u native the way to go? is seattle cloud apps stil able to be accepted in google play store??
Joined mariastone's SC membership last week I got the lifetime offer great deal at a great price, Currently ive made 5 apps all uploaded to goggle play store no problems.

Very happy, so get it while the price is still low.
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