I have a 32 bit sys this means i cant use the software?
Any ideas to solve the problem?
Thanks anyway
(03-07-2014 04:24 AM)robertdenis Wrote: [ -> ]Hello,
The links are dead, could you update?
I'm on mac, you will work it?
Thank you for your help
New link download at [Reported by Members as spam/premium links]
@DuCane - Bro - did you get it to work like 1nd1g0 suggested? Post back to help the others
(03-07-2014 11:39 PM)ducane Wrote: [ -> ]Hello mate, I wonder if you can help me.
I followed your instructions but it still has the trial period remaining countdown? Does that mean the patch hasn't worked?
man, the link is broken, please upload it again
Latest Market Samurai Is (Market Samurai.0.93.24)
any updates on this ? sorry to bump old thread.
please update to last version :)
It worth to purchase Market Samurai and if not mistaken you can make up to 5 installation. Therefore you could share with jv here. If anyone would like to purchase, you could use my affiliate link and I will give discount. Just pm if interested.
hey the links are not working....can you provide the mirrors again?