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Full Version: [GET] David Deschaine - Roofing Business Blueprint
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Pages: 1 2 3 4
bookmarking...thanks for the share.
Is there any reason why all these files are exe files?
Thanks for the share!

The roofing industry is an insane niche - they are willing to make it rain like mana from heaven to get clients in. Just learn the lingo, be prepared to take them out for some beers and maybe to a strip club or two (my friend does lots of sales with roofers) and once they're hooked, they're yours for life.
if you're looking for torrents for big shares like this, then you need to join
They have all the good stuff
Please re-up.
a re-up of this would be great
Please re-up this one maybe on MEGA.Thank you forhis great share.
bump for this.
Any chance to share this please!
Any update?
Pages: 1 2 3 4
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