Short Review:
You need to work as a broker aka middleman. You buy Solo ads from some sites like SoloMasterPro or from Skype groups and then sell them for higher price.
(03-05-2014 02:12 AM)Lorus Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you JackR, I can see all the files.
Cool.. Thanks for confirming that.. :)
gremlin Wrote:I'm lost as to how this all is supposed to work in the real world. I get you're connecting buyers and sellers. I get finding those who are selling access to their list. But would it really be that easy to find people that need access to said list? If they were savvy enough to know about "list potential" wouldn't they also be savvy enough to find their own list seller to work with? And I'm assuming that the WSO creator is going to show you where buyers and sellers "hang out" but if that's the case how could you hit the buyers in there when they are seeing the wholesale costs of the campaigns / click before your mark up lol...thoughts, or am I way off? Thanks!
here is -IMHO- the main phrase which is ruining (almost) any chance to be a successful middle man with this biz:
You can find your vendors in the same places you find your buyers. In the Skype groups, FB groups, Warrior Forum, Safe-swaps, etc.
WTF? If the buyers and sellers are hanging around IN THE SAME PLACES why they'll need you?? Then can do their business without any middleman ; eventually they'll show you the
middlefinger since you' re a newbie ...
as to the FB groups.... there everybody and his mother is selling solo ads... I'm wondering how many interested buyers are there, as far as I saw all the posts are talking about
selling solo ads not about
buying solo ads...
Thank you JackR and Leondari. ++REPS
Thanks for the share. I have a problem though.. When I click the links on the pdf for the skype groups nothing happens but the facebook links work fine. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks
This may sound obvious, but do you have your skype open when you clicked the links? Because it's going to open the Skype rooms directly in Skype when you clicked...
Hell, I sold solo ads, though every man and his dog were selling solos as well. Just takes a few days sometimes, but hell it works. I landed 5 sales in 24 hours in one instance.
thanks, a really nice share, a great way to break into the business without spending advertising dollars right out of the gate. Rep given!
Thanks for the useful share - +Rep added. I'll give this serious thought. Even though there are lots of solo ad vendors / buyers out there, probably room for me to make some $s!