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Full Version: Robot Author DOES do what it claims to do!
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There's some sort of moderation bug going on and I've recieved pms that folks cannot reply here and I cannot find anyplace to approve!

Admin's please delete this tread! All others, you can interact over at this thread:

Looking forward to some two-sided conversation on this tread as it's NOT moderated to a reply.


Hey supermark, I am interested in all this.
I would like to see two things about RA:
1. The actual process when RA renders the articles when they are being re-written.
2. The results with two articles from any two keywords of your choice. In fact it would be 4 articles, two for each keyword so we can get the variations when RA rewrites articles.
So, for the first, if you could prepare a video that shows from the moment you give it the keywords to the moment it gets the lines from the websites (Google or whatever), puts it into its interface and re-writes them.
For the second one, I would like to see 4 full articles, about 700 words each after being re-written (usually we will not take articles that contain a high percentage or copied words-sentences). The 4 articles have to be totally rendered by RA after being re-written by RA. The 4 articles again will be based on the search of 2 different keywords, and every article will be the result of a rewriting of the content obtained for each keyword. This way we will have to versions of the same article.
My objective for the first one is to see how RA operates when it produces an article and what kind of choices you have when asking it to retrieve content from the web.
My objective for the second one is to check the quality of the articles after being re-written and how much of human re-writing they would require.
If you can provide these two I think we will be able to evaluate for ourselves what RA can produce.
Thank you.
There seems to be some sort of MODERATION Bug or setting that I cannot figure out, so please post over at this thread, while I request an admin to delete this one!
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