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YouTube Gold Miner Demonstration/Tutorial Video - YouTube

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Direct Download
ChampionMarketers Wrote:This post is reserved for future comments
scdayton Wrote:Questions:

1. How does it track a video's ranking in the search engines? What I mean is can I track my video and competitors videos from my own list of selected keywords and if so is there a limit to how many keywords I can track these video's for?

2. Can I track ranking for a set of keywords in just Google or can I also include Bing?

3. The tracking and social signals images in the sales copy say extended version only. So is the price of this wso including that extended version or is there an up sell to buy that version? if an up sell, how much?

ChampionMarketers Wrote:Thank you for asking.
1. Yes you can track whatever videos for whatever keywords you want. And no - there is no limit to the amount of videos you can track. Furthermore the tool does not consume unnecessary bandwidth. Unless you click "refresh" the video rankings will not be refreshed.

2. Seeing as this tool is meant for YouTube ranking you can only track rankings on YouTube itself.

3. The downsell features the extended version and costs 15$ (the upsell includes a video course on YouTube marketing).

Rishy Wrote:Champion marketers always come up with innovative products at cheap price. Their last product on kindle research sold hundreds of copies and got the WSO OF THE Day as well. A well deserved one.
With this software they have raised the bar.

A lot of YouTube software creators miss the social signals part. Champion marketers have carefully taken that factor into consideration. Because with the Google panda and penguin updates the social signal part cannot be ignored. A lot of YouTube marketers only analyze the main factors and although they optimize their tags, descriptions etc they still fail to rank.

Using youtube gold miner you can analyze your competitors social signal factors as well so that you have an idea whether it is even worth trying to pursue ranking for that keyword.

The ability to export reports is also a great feature. Imagine how much money can you make by selling these reports in fiverr for 5 bucks. Great software and a very professional and neat members area.
Thanks so much mate for the great share. I am very happy that we are back online again
Thanks for sharing +REP added.
Thanks for the share. +++ Rep.
did I got it right it is 1.62 GB in size ... Huh
yes, it is! But I can't find the YouTube Gold Miner Software in it! Just video!
THANKS for a valuable contribution! It IS a big file... about 8 videos included in the download. Rep added
Right just videos....
Here's their Youtube channel:-
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