03-01-2014, 10:14 AM
Add this to your persuasion and copywriting collection. - Non Conformer
"Undoubtedly the public is becoming aware of the methods which are being used to
mold its opinions and habits. If the public is better informed about the processes of its
own life, it will be so much the more receptive to reasonable appeals to its own interests.
No matter how sophisticated, how cynical the public may become about publicity methods,
it must respond to the basic appeals, because it will always need food, crave amusement,
long for beauty, respond to leadership"
"After this success Lehman Brothers and other big New York banks financed the development
of department stores, confident that they could use the techniques pioneered by Bernays to
persuade people to purchase a range of products that left to themselves they may very well
not have bothered with. This period also saw the introduction of the techniques of product
placement and psuedo-scientific product endorsement so familiar to us today. All of this dubious
activity in the capitalist economy was one of the main factors leading to the bubble which ended
in the Wall Street crash of 1929.."
"The modern master of the propaganda game was PR genius Edward Bernays,
Viennese-born nephew of Sigmund Freud. Bernays took propaganda seriously
for his career work: he combined individual and social psychology,
public opinion studies, political persuasion and advertising to
construct “necessary illusions” which filtered out to the masses as
"Bernays proudly referred to this all-important social process as the
“engineering of consent.” All of this had little, if anything, to do
with real democracy. The objective for Bernays was to provide government
and media outlets with powerful tools for social persuasion and
control. As a matter of fact, so impressed was he with Bernays’ early
works Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923) and Propaganda (1928) that
Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels relied heavily upon them for
his own dubious inspiration in the 1930s. Apparently, that Bernays was a
Jew mattered little to Goebbels....
"Bernays and journalistic giant Walter Lippman came to Woodrow Wilson’s
aid in 1917 to reverse negative public sentiment about war. These two
behind-the-curtain wizards were indispensable in helping the president
whip gun-shy America into an anti-German frenzy to go “over there” for
WWI. Bernays created the patriotic war slogan “Make the World Safe for
Democracy”—an irresistibly patriotic mantra that America embraced..."
The American business community was also very impressed with the
propaganda effort. They had a problem at that time. The country was
becoming formally more democratic. A lot more people were able to vote
and that sort of thing. The country was becoming wealthier and more
people could participate and a lot of new immigrants were coming in, and
so on.
So what do you do? It's going to be harder to run things as a
private club. Therefore, obviously, you have to control what people
think. There had been public relation specialists but there was never a
public relations industry. There was a guy hired to make Rockefeller's
image look prettier and that sort of thing. But this huge public
relations industry, which is a U.S. invention and a monstrous industry,
came out of the first World War. The leading figures were people in the
Creel Commission. In fact, the main one, Edward Bernays, comes right out
of the Creel Commission. He has a book that came out right afterwards
called Propaganda. The term "propaganda," incidentally, did not have
negative connotations in those days. It was during the second World War
that the term became taboo because it was connected with Germany, and
all those bad things. But in this period, the term propaganda just meant
information or something like that. So he wrote a book called
Propaganda around 1925, and it starts off by saying he is applying the
lessons of the first World War. The propaganda system of the first World
War and this commission that he was part of showed, he says, it is
possible to "regiment the public mind every bit as much as an army
regiments their bodies." These new techniques of regimentation of minds,
he said, had to be used by the intelligent minorities in order to make
sure that the slobs stay on the right course. We can do it now because
we have these new techniques.
This is the main manual of the public relations industry. Bernays
is kind of the guru. He was an authentic Roosevelt/Kennedy liberal. He
also engineered the public relations effort behind the U.S.-backed coup
which overthrew the democratic government of Guatemala.
His major coup, the one that really propelled him into fame in the
late 1920s, was getting women to smoke. Women didn't smoke in those days
and he ran huge campaigns for Chesterfield. You know all the
techniques—models and movie stars with cigarettes coming out of their
mouths and that kind of thing. He got enormous praise for that. So he
became a leading figure of the industry, and his book was the real
—Noam Chomsky
(From Chomsky's "What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream": a talk at Z Media Institute, June 1997)
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Add this to your persuasion and copywriting collection. - Non Conformer
![[Image: Snap1.jpg]](http://s22.postimg.org/tq0kxccy9/Snap1.jpg)
"Undoubtedly the public is becoming aware of the methods which are being used to
mold its opinions and habits. If the public is better informed about the processes of its
own life, it will be so much the more receptive to reasonable appeals to its own interests.
No matter how sophisticated, how cynical the public may become about publicity methods,
it must respond to the basic appeals, because it will always need food, crave amusement,
long for beauty, respond to leadership"
"After this success Lehman Brothers and other big New York banks financed the development
of department stores, confident that they could use the techniques pioneered by Bernays to
persuade people to purchase a range of products that left to themselves they may very well
not have bothered with. This period also saw the introduction of the techniques of product
placement and psuedo-scientific product endorsement so familiar to us today. All of this dubious
activity in the capitalist economy was one of the main factors leading to the bubble which ended
in the Wall Street crash of 1929.."
![[Image: Snap1.jpg]](http://s29.postimg.org/5d27u0xh3/Snap1.jpg)
"The modern master of the propaganda game was PR genius Edward Bernays,
Viennese-born nephew of Sigmund Freud. Bernays took propaganda seriously
for his career work: he combined individual and social psychology,
public opinion studies, political persuasion and advertising to
construct “necessary illusions” which filtered out to the masses as
"Bernays proudly referred to this all-important social process as the
“engineering of consent.” All of this had little, if anything, to do
with real democracy. The objective for Bernays was to provide government
and media outlets with powerful tools for social persuasion and
control. As a matter of fact, so impressed was he with Bernays’ early
works Crystallizing Public Opinion (1923) and Propaganda (1928) that
Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels relied heavily upon them for
his own dubious inspiration in the 1930s. Apparently, that Bernays was a
Jew mattered little to Goebbels....
"Bernays and journalistic giant Walter Lippman came to Woodrow Wilson’s
aid in 1917 to reverse negative public sentiment about war. These two
behind-the-curtain wizards were indispensable in helping the president
whip gun-shy America into an anti-German frenzy to go “over there” for
WWI. Bernays created the patriotic war slogan “Make the World Safe for
Democracy”—an irresistibly patriotic mantra that America embraced..."
The American business community was also very impressed with the
propaganda effort. They had a problem at that time. The country was
becoming formally more democratic. A lot more people were able to vote
and that sort of thing. The country was becoming wealthier and more
people could participate and a lot of new immigrants were coming in, and
so on.
So what do you do? It's going to be harder to run things as a
private club. Therefore, obviously, you have to control what people
think. There had been public relation specialists but there was never a
public relations industry. There was a guy hired to make Rockefeller's
image look prettier and that sort of thing. But this huge public
relations industry, which is a U.S. invention and a monstrous industry,
came out of the first World War. The leading figures were people in the
Creel Commission. In fact, the main one, Edward Bernays, comes right out
of the Creel Commission. He has a book that came out right afterwards
called Propaganda. The term "propaganda," incidentally, did not have
negative connotations in those days. It was during the second World War
that the term became taboo because it was connected with Germany, and
all those bad things. But in this period, the term propaganda just meant
information or something like that. So he wrote a book called
Propaganda around 1925, and it starts off by saying he is applying the
lessons of the first World War. The propaganda system of the first World
War and this commission that he was part of showed, he says, it is
possible to "regiment the public mind every bit as much as an army
regiments their bodies." These new techniques of regimentation of minds,
he said, had to be used by the intelligent minorities in order to make
sure that the slobs stay on the right course. We can do it now because
we have these new techniques.
This is the main manual of the public relations industry. Bernays
is kind of the guru. He was an authentic Roosevelt/Kennedy liberal. He
also engineered the public relations effort behind the U.S.-backed coup
which overthrew the democratic government of Guatemala.
His major coup, the one that really propelled him into fame in the
late 1920s, was getting women to smoke. Women didn't smoke in those days
and he ran huge campaigns for Chesterfield. You know all the
techniques—models and movie stars with cigarettes coming out of their
mouths and that kind of thing. He got enormous praise for that. So he
became a leading figure of the industry, and his book was the real
—Noam Chomsky
(From Chomsky's "What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream": a talk at Z Media Institute, June 1997)
![[Image: edward_bernays_propaganda_psyop_social_engineers.jpg]](http://socioecohistory.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/edward_bernays_propaganda_psyop_social_engineers.jpg)
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