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Full Version: [GET] Templatic RealEstate 3.2.19 LastVersion
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(03-03-2014 02:01 AM)iapetos Wrote: [ -> ]Why do people put passwords on zip files?
zip files not password protected. password only used for download link.
Excellent theme share > Thank you Welcome
+5 Reps added for you Cool
Oops, the files contain malware and virus.
(03-03-2014 10:43 AM)FrankyL Wrote: [ -> ]Oops, the files contain malware and virus.

I download it directly from templatic (without any change). Angry Biggrin Huh
This version shared first time by me.
Thanks for the share, but it's got a trojan.


Detection ratio: 1 / 48
(03-04-2014 02:00 AM)Dpet102 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the share, but it's got a trojan.


Detection ratio: 1 / 48
Don't worry Sometimes online virus checker make a mistake.
@8888post - agreed. I ran virustotal three times and got three different results. Anyhow, thanks for the share, rep added :)
dead link. please reupload... or someone have mirror..?? thanks
i will give reps., please post new link, the link given is dead
(03-13-2014 03:49 PM)yoshimitsu Wrote: [ -> ]i will give reps., please post new link, the link given is dead

Link updated
Pages: 1 2 3
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