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Full Version: I want to thank Thor!
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I want to thank Thor for getting me upgraded to Lifetime VIP.

I used to be a leech and a casual visitor. But reading Thor's crazy rants against leechers really woke me up. At first I hated him and dissed him for his over the top rudeness and ugly obscene posts. But his challenges eventually motivated me to learn how to make mirrors and how to share.

I am a better person and a committed member because of Thor. I wish he was still here so I could thank him personally.

Thor, if you can read this, thank you brother, I owe you big time.
i really appreciate this post because i for one feel that thor was misunderstood and everyone lost out after he left. i am so glad to hear you speak out in how thor made a difference for ya! this is what thor was all about. very unconventional, but he DID make a positive difference. it's what i saw first hand and i even spoke to the admins about him. unfortunately he left on his own accord because he didn't get the support he needed. all that was seen in those ugly times when he left were the complainers who couldn't see past his bullshit. that was definately a SHAME!
I want to thank him for leaving .... what a bad joke he was.
Hopefully he has stopped getting drunk and bulling people to feel like a man

must thank the cat!!
the last comment coming from a leecher. doesn't surprise me. thor and many others are against these guys.

simple put, if you have nothing to contribute, you should have nothing to say on any matter here

happy leeching mollydo!
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