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(02-19-2014 08:12 AM)Rioja Wrote: [ -> ]It's a quick read:

This is an ebook the focus is to promote Teespring tshirts.
In summary:

*Part I Niche (Do your usual research):

Find the audience:
-mentions there is no "right" size.
-mentions he has had as much success with 5000 as with 3M
-testing your idea is the only sure way to know if it'll work for sure

Resources to come up with your idea and audience:

*Part II: Setup (Create and Power editor accounts and dummy fanpage)
-self explanatory for all the above, take this moment to create your pixel, name it something relating to your shirt

On Fanpages
Dont waste your time creating fanpages.
When creating your ads look for:
-not fans.

*Part III Launching your first campaign
-create the tshirt desing, use
-create your tshirt campaign as usual
-set goal to 10 shirts as you are testing
-fill in description and set it between 5 to 8 days campaign duration

In Power Editor
-create campaign
-Set a daily budget of $25 USD.
-start and end on date that match your teespring campaigns.
-create ad
-objective should be website conversions
-do unpublished posts.
-fill in all fields in unpublished post box when it pops up
-check conversio tracking
-pick the pixel you created earlier
-Placement Newsfeed desktop and mobile (all mobile devices)
-audience all canada and all united states
-pick interests based on the shirt you picked (shirt about sheldon cooper, you should pick sheldon cooper, (Big Bang Theory Tv Show Character))
-Choose optimized CPM
-Click upload
-add tracking pixel on in your dashboard

*Part IV Creating Fanpages based on good campaigns
Concentrate on creating ads for buyers as they serve a two fold purpose:
-build a following
-engage with fans in your fanpage
-Monetization options
-*CPA Offers

*Part 5 Scaling
Launch more campaigns
increase your daily budget on winning campaigns
relauch winning campaigns
Rep+ added for the review. Thanks. Cool

Frequently Asked Questions

How much money do I need for my daily budget?
Magic Button :
You can start with as little as $5 a day. Once you see results, you can (and should) increase your budget to maximize the exposure of your campaign.

Can a newbie do this?
Magic Button :
Most definitely! We teach from the ground up, so it’s perfect for the uninitiated…and more seasoned marketers will take away plenty of tips to increase their success.

What if I can’t make designs or ad images?

Magic Button :
No problem, you can outsource this for dirt cheap or even get the company we recommend to do designs for you for free. We explain all of this. And you should NOT let this be the thing that stops you!

What if I’ve never advertised on Facebook before?
Magic Button :
Then you’re definitely in the right place. That’s what the FB Classroom Textbook teaches you in a step by step manner.
Thanks a lot! Rep+++++ added
FBC - "all in one" on ZippyShare

Magic Button :
- 4.5 mb

Vids 1,2,3
Magic Button :
- 133 MB

Vids 4,5,6
Magic Button :
- 86 MB
Thanks OP for the share and blek23 for the AIO's. Rep added!!
Nice share! +Rep
Reps to OP and Blek23 for zippyshare.
I'd buy this one if you like it.. Will is a good teacher.. ( ) used to be a member there.. and I know
he doesn't care for his stuff being shared but I don't think he really Freaks out about it either..

I just happen to think these guys put out decent stuff and actually make what they say they make..

Support them if you like it... if not .. at least you didn't have to get your money back!

Repped though for getting this..
Thanks for this as i really appreciate it and all your hard work - Added Rep +5
It's a good product. Very good for 8+ dollars! But I was expecting them to tell me how to really strategize my budget. They missed the part on knowing when to cancel. he suggest if you spend 50 and not get the results needed you drop the campaign. If that is really the case you should minimize by going no more than 20 per day. I'd rather lose 40 than 50 bucks on ads that didnt work.

Just my two cents
hey lunch I sent you a pm
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