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Managed to create an account, but after installing the software it asks for the purchase email address and activation code. These are sent to your jvzoo account, so we don't have these. This means you can't get the software to work. I have access to all the areas in the members section though.
Here are all the application files extracted:
Magic Button :

Or just rename the .air to .zip and extract yourself! Something to do with the .xml files and with the .swf file! Not a NULLER myself! Cool
Hey Johnny Shadow ,
Thanks for your Amazing Share .
+5 Rep Added for your Amazing share.
Cool Cool Cool
@ DDR3boy

Right back @ ya!
Nice job my friend...Hunt Done! +5REPS
@ theman

Right back @ ya!
Cheers Johnny,
Looking forward to seeing it nulled
You Rock Again. +++ Rep.
same postet from me for some time ago

Like said .... .air needs to be renamed to .zip and then extracted! Something to do with .xml and .swf file!

Then re-pack to .air again or something like that! As far as i remember TAUR used to NULL .air and always was the case that install via original installer and then replace the .swf file in the installation directory with the nulled .swf file!

This has to be done with each soft update though!
(02-18-2014 06:15 AM)vnr406 Wrote: [ -> ]Cheers Johnny,
Looking forward to seeing it nulled
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