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Video Vantage
Hi mate youre wrong section guys............
It looks like a bunch of hype to me. The creator seems to me like he's just naming off link varieties everytime that he's telling you how to rank videos, like he's making it up as he goes along and has absolutely no experience with it. He also bugs me because he copies Becker alot.
The product seems to do two things:
1) Allows you to post a video link and text to multiple PR ranked wiki sites etc
2) Find sites with PR ranking so you can manually or auto add comments

Neither of these are new or unique in software and I anticipate the 1st will get you a kick in the butt by Google at some point soon.

Well, Becker is positioning this software as 'The Best SEO Software of 2014', but hey. I guess it's only February.
(02-18-2014 03:00 AM)Big Tuna Wrote: [ -> ]He also bugs me because he copies Becker alot.

is this tool working or crap? or will google kick us in the butt by using it ?
(02-18-2014 03:09 AM)sjc999 Wrote: [ -> ]Well, Becker is positioning this software as 'The Best SEO Software of 2014', but hey. I guess it's only February.
Likely because they are friends. From the demo video it looks to me like it optimizes your video, allows you to comment on high-pr links, and builld wikis. I may have missed something, but it definitely doesn't look like anything extraordinary.
I will not buy it. I don't think this software is going to last. I think of it like buying a PLR product; everyone is using the same thing. The funny thing is they are always preaching about don't leave footprints by using this software it's almost like giving the key of your business to google.
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