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Get All The Benefits of Having Your Own Products Without Having to Create Them Yourself or Resort to Using Low Quality PLR?

High Quality - Low Cost - Unbranded - Valuable Products at an extremely generous price...perfect!


Dear Fellow Marketer,

For the first time I have decided to offer full PLR (private label rights) to all the products on this page for one very reasonable price. Actually, the price is nothing short of Incredible for what you're getting, but I would say that now wouldn't I?


Here's the deal:

  • This offer will not be seen on any other website
  • Only a limited amount of copies of this package will be sold
  • You will have the ability to edit the products as you please
  • You can be assured the content is of a high quality

Quote:Editable Doc files are included with each of these products, as well as the PDF's in case you just want to use them as is - which you can absolutely do because of the quality content inside...


Product 1:

Strategic Profits Blueprint (10,114 words)

This is a 44 page step by step blueprint that shows you how to consistently earn a full time income online month after month with minimal effort.

You not only get full rights to the original eBook - but I've also created a 7 day bootcamp series which can be delivered to your subscribers over the course of one week (perfect for follow up emails.)

This single product alone is more than worth triple the price of what you'll pay here today for everything on this page - and with PLR included it's a no brainer for sure.

[Image: strategic-profits-blueprint.png]
"Here's what others are saying about Strategic Profits Blueprint"


This is one of the best and most comprehensive guides that I have seen!


This is one of the best and most comprehensive guides that I have seen.! You could have easily sold this as a WSO and made a mint doing so. I’m going to bookmark this page and refer others here that I see who may be struggling. Thanks for offering this.



Declan all I can say is d***!

Talk about over delivering! This guide will give anyone a great IM foundation. Not just the content of the book but the shitload of free resources that you provide as well! Well done! Thanks for the great share! I will definitely be using this guide and all of the extra material you provided!


I wish I'd had my hands on this when I first set out

I have to say I have bought dozens and dozens of products on the internet with the intention of trying to figure out how the whole Internet marketing thing works.

I have learned lots of good things and a lot more bad.

I can tell you now that the information contained in here is all the very best of what I have learned to date AND TONS MORE.

I wish I'd had my hands on this when I first set out. (would have saved a small fortune)

I am going to set about following this blueprint with immediate effect as I just know this is the way I should go.

Thanks for this

I've no doubt you'll love this report and will benefit immensely from the information - but now you'll also have the full PLR rights so you can start distributing this fantastic blueprint with your own name attached as the author. Here's a brief rundown of what you're getting...

  • Step by Step blueprint to earning a consistent income online in 2013
  • Broken down into a 7 day bootcamp series perfect for follow up emails to your list
  • Power Point presentation slides that can be distributed across the Internet for maximum leverage
  • Fully editable Doc files included so you can add your affiliate links
  • Can be sold as is - or altered to fit your needs (Completely unbranded)
  • And much more...

Product 2:

Email Marketing Step By Step (10,260 words)

42 pages of quality information created by myself and essential reading for anyone looking to build successful email campaigns that just plain work!

Again, I put a lot of time into creating this step by step report which you now have full unrestricted rights to either sell, or giveaway on your squeeze pages to generate leads.

[Image: email-step-by-step-by-Declan-O-Flaherty.png]

"Here's what others are saying about Email Marketing Step By Step"

Thank you for sharing and taking the time to give "real" information

This is a very well written and easy to understand guide that breaks down the entire process of list building and E-Mail marketing. Many thanks Declan

Here is my favorite part, and this is just the introduction:

I realize there’s a lot of misinformation surrounding this subject, so today I‘m going to explain everything you need to know about list building. Having an email list is useless If you don’t understand how to effectively use it to its fullest potential.

Gone are the days when we could just build a list, promote products and earn money. People are not buying from strangers online anymore. They need to connect with the person doing the selling. They need to know them – like them – and trust them before they buy from them.

Thank you for sharing and taking the time to give "real" information.

Sandra Walsh

This is a wonderful and detailed step by step guide to email marketing

Thank you Declan. I loved this email marketing report. So often we come across a lot of rubbish books that just waste our time, but you have taken the time to cover all aspects of email marketing that I can now put to use. I highly recommend people check this one out for themselves. Everything is covered and written so well.


Wow! Great ebook my friend

Wow! Great ebook my friend. I have been confused about email marketing for quite some time which has kept me from starting my list building campaigns. Now I plan to just jump right in and use the advice given by you in this book. Thank you, keep up the good work.

Robert Hussain

As you can see from the few comments above - people are loving the step by step detailed information shared inside this 42 page email marketing guide. You will have unrestricted rights to market this product as you see fit. Here's a brief look at what's in it for you...
  • Email marketing completely covered from beginning to end
  • How to write email messages that get the highest click through's
  • How to set up your follow up messages and cross promote for maximum sales
  • The exact steps I use to build rapport with my subscribers
  • How to find the right products to promote to your list
  • Step by step traffic strategies that cost you nothing to implement
  • Full PLR with Doc files and PDF

Product 3:

How To Be Super Productive (3,314 words)

How to be super productive and start seeing - is a short action packed guide I recently created. I love this guide because it's "straight to the point" no fluff information - and the way I think most information products should be written.

The powerful techniques I share in this report will drastically change any sub par marketer into an information content creating powerhouse.

This can be read in one sitting - and can be used immediately. I absolutely love this product. You will too - and now you can have full unrestricted access to do as you please with it.

[Image: productivity-cover.png]

This super productivity report is brand new

This super productivity report is brand new so there are no testimonials yet - but rest assured, your audience will love you for sharing this information with them. I'm very proud of this one. Here's a quick look at what you're getting...
  • Powerful no nonsense actionable content that packs a very strong punch
  • Easy to implement strategies that are guaranteed to skyrocket your!
  • My personal step by step schedule that doubles my productivity with half the effort
  • Full unrestricted access that won't be found on any other website
  • Perfect to sell or giveaway to generate email subscribers (they'll love this one)
  • Full PLR with Doc files and PDF

Product 4:

Email Success Blueprint (9,897 words)

This is the newest edition to this high quality PLR package - and a fantastic "step by step" guide teaching anyone how to build responsive email lists and how to write engaging email messages.

Knowing how to build a responsive email list - and how to communicate effectively is the real key to email marketing.

This 45 page guide is a must have for every email marketer out there. Never mind the PLR for this product, you should buy the whole package just to get your hands on this information..

[Image: email-success-small-cover.png]
Here's a brief look at what you'll discover inside this cracking report...

  • How to build squeeze pages that automatically generate high quality subscribers and build instant trust (this is a huge secret very few marketers even know about)
  • How to create information products (template included) that not only establish you as the expert in your market - but also "motivate" your readers to take action with your content)
  • How to write Interesting and engaging emails that entertain your subscribers and have them eagerly waiting for your next message (templates included to make this an absolute doddle)
  • You'll discover the simple method I use to generate more sales without having to pressure your subscribers (this strategy is not only the best way to do email marketing... it will also make you a better email marketer, build trust quicker with your list - and increase your open rate)
  • And much, much more inside...

Product 5:

The Internet Marketers Rolodex Of High Quality Tools and Resources (500+ active links to high quality free tools and resources)

The Internet marketers massive Rolodex of 100% free tools and resources has been compiled by myself over the past year.

Every piece of content has been carefully chosen for this Mind Map and was only intended for personal use. However, I have decided to add it to this incredible package and it's now yours to do whatever you like with.

"Take A Look What Others Are Saying About The Mind Map Rolodex"

This is really excellent

This is really excellent and a great deal of time and effort has no doubt gone into creating it. Thanks for taking the extra time to keep the junk out and focus on the important things. Much success to you in 2013.


I will be using this one in every project I do

Oh snap Batman! Talk about a load of resources! I will be using this one in every project I do. Do we haven any rights to this? I know some people that need the info in this mind map!


I'd confidently suggest that there is something new here for EVERY online or offline marketer

Having had a quick look through the contents of the 'Rolodex', I'd confidently suggest that there is something new here for EVERY online or offline marketer, no matter how experienced they are.

A good job putting this together - well done, and thanks,

  • Hundreds of high quality tools and resources carefully hand picked by myself
  • Can be edited in any way you see fit and either sold or given away to build your list
  • Everything from video trainings, free reports right on up to graphic creators and marketing tools
  • Completely unbranded and can be used in limitless ways for your marketing needs
  • All links inside the map are hyperlinked and can be accessed from your very own Desktop
  • Watch the video to get an idea what's inside this incredible Mind Map...

Here's Everything You'll Get Instantly,

When You Grab This Incredible PLR Package Today...

5 Very High Quality Products With PLR

Product 1: Strategic Profits Blueprint 44 Page Step By Step Guide To Making Money Online (Full Rights)

Product 2: Email Marketing Step By Step 42 Page Guide That Teaches Everything From Beginning To End (Full Rights)

Product 3: Super Productivity Report Shows You How To Easily Double Your Productivity With Half The Work (Full Rights)

Product 4: A MUST have guide where you'll discover how to build responsive email lists - and how to keep them engaged (Full Rights)

 Product 5: The Internet Marketers Massive Rolodex Of High Quality Tools And Resources (Full Rights)

Total Real World Value Today:


Your Price Today:

Just $17

I'm absolutely confident you'll love these products, and realize that you will NOT get another deal like this anywhere online.

Remember, these products are only sold with full Private Label Rights on this page and will NOT be found anywhere else online. I'm not a PLR seller and my products are all created by myself - so you can be assured they're of the highest quality.


Order Form

YES! Declan. I want to grab these incredible products today before you take them down for good...

  • I understand I will be billed one payment of $17 today to receive immediate access to this unrestricted full rights package
  • I will receive instant access to all products which I can download at anytime 24 hours a day from anywhere in the world

[Image: pixel.gif]


Declan O' Flaherty[Image: declan-o-flaherty-and-the-money-map-method.png]

[Image: declan-o-flaherty.png]

P.S. These are not your average rubbish PLR reports you can find on any other website. I personally created these products and take great pride in only providing content of the highest quality.

P.P.S. You can make a lot of money selling these products Individually, as a whole package - or to use as opt ins on your squeeze pages.

If you have any questions about any of my products, please contact me at any time day or night using the contacts page here


Click below to download this product. Only for BBHF Family.
Love this Community....
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Hey guys please do some mirrors and give me a REP++++for future shares..
Thanks regards,
Thanks for sharing +REP added.
Mirrors below and rep given of course
Nice share, REP added...
Boy,i have already shared this.but Keep it up for the SHare.
+Rep added - Thank you VERY much for your share!
Thanks Rockzz.
Rep Added.
Thanks rockzz. Here's a friendly little siterip:

Thanks - reps added
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