Anything that connects to Senukes servers to verify the username and password will Not work,
You don't have a username or pass on their servers!!
The Portal will not work Period!! this cannot be cracked its on their server
This is why you Cannot download pre created Hotmail accounts.
You would have to make one yourself and put the details in
Module Specific Settings inside the Wizard.
This may also be why DeathByCaptcha doesn't work, if that connects to any part of SEnukes servers and verifies anything
before sending your request via API from them to DeathByCaptcha, it will know the username and pass is not on their servers - just a theory.
If this is the case, Cracking Senuke will be a waste of time
(02-17-2014 01:02 PM)SeoMan2014 Wrote: [ -> ]This may also be why DeathByCaptcha doesn't work, if that connects to any part of SEnukes servers and verifies anything
before sending your request via API from them to DeathByCaptcha, it will know the username and pass is not on their servers - just a theory.
Download Captcha Sniper, put DBC details in CS, then add a rule that makes DBC solve all the captchas in Captcha Sniper. Set CS as your only captcha solver in SENuke. Profit.
(02-18-2014 07:48 AM)Matador Wrote: [ -> ]If this is the case, Cracking Senuke will be a waste of time (02-17-2014 01:02 PM)SeoMan2014 Wrote: [ -> ]This may also be why DeathByCaptcha doesn't work, if that connects to any part of SEnukes servers and verifies anything
before sending your request via API from them to DeathByCaptcha, it will know the username and pass is not on their servers - just a theory.
Yup a total waste of time Matador, SEnuke in my opinion is a total waste of time
and is just one massive SPAM bot. But people seem to like it so I crack it, personally
I would never SPAM like this to get my websites higher cause it simply doesn't work any more!!!
so you need type captcha manually, it's waste of time but if you have a website which don't have many competitors, you can spend time to it make me i try run it,test it on 1 of my blogspot post,i just use 2 modules,bookmark and wikis..deathbycaptcha working perfectly..also i saw some one who could not verified or test the email,I use,just enable your mail POP,(go to your email setting then enable it).
Maybe deathbycaptcha it self have a problem a couple days ago..and today it working now..if not working try download with another member,i download latest version from extremesanity.
mr.brovo thanks for the update.
Obliviously my theory about DeathByCaptcha must be wrong if it works for you. No way can it be connecting to
SEnukes servers, because if it did it would not work, must of been a glitch at DeathByCaptcha's site!!
great share ,everything works.... rep added
For me also any of thous captchas worked only captcha snipe , second problem is that you cant add scripts manually for senuke what makes me too unhappy :(
Can add scripts manually, you just can't use the portal to download scripts. Senuke checks to see if you have a valid username and pass,
obviously you don't lol.
(02-20-2014 07:39 AM)stayonline Wrote: [ -> ]For me also any of thous captchas worked only captcha snipe , second problem is that you cant add scripts manually for senuke what makes me too unhappy :(