I am not a techie guy so sorry for my confusion in installing the script. I received an error when connecting to the database. I manually created the DB. I am confused with the [b]Database Host part. I tried filling in using my info from the webhost but to no avail. Could you please help me out on this. Thanks
Help! I successfully installed this. I was able to submit a video. I approved it and publish but when I click on the video, it's not working. I mean video is not opening. Here's my site
http://thisisdamnhilarious.webuda.com/vi...Vines-2014 Kindly help me make this work. Thanks
taboy you should have a vps for this, you have to allow your system to upload huge amount of file size.
Do you run a regular hosting?
(04-02-2014 12:25 PM)taboy74 Wrote: [ -> ]@onrage Hi there! Able to make it work. However, when I click on the link of the uploaded video or pic, it says 404 error. My website is here http://thisisdamnhilarious.webuda.com/pi...in-stupid. Kindly check it out and see where I erred.
thanx for the share i'll will check this later