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Full Version: We have found a black hole
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We have found a black hole in Getsy 1.13-14. which allows one to redirect payments. a module leaking information that makes you get acces to the domain at the root. Wow yes if u know what script is is wery easy to use the hole hehehe
What kind of exploit, sounds like multi vulnerabilities.
I guess you just want to scare People not to use this script :)
So, share it with us.
Stephen Hawkins New report says there is no existence for blackhole. :P Why are you shouting EUREKA EUREKA? Just share with some proof dear..
No one share a useful hole . you like a worms that is a useful hole . My son
Someday you see when we start with computers we wrote all command BUT yo think all is klick here klick there My son . Learn all about computers and php pearl debian and all you can say u can computer

this is python and a little part frm bit torrent u see so yes we can't nothing click here click there WE LOVE USEFUL HOLE we don't need do work we can sit down and wait hehehe

app_name = "BitTorrent"
if __name__ == '__main__':
from BitTorrent.translation import _

import os
from sys import argv
from BitTorrent.track import track

if __name__ == '__main__':
app_name = "BitTorrent"
from BTL.translation import _

import sys
import locale
from BitTorrent.defaultargs import get_defaults
from BitTorrent import configfile
from BitTorrent.makemetafile import make_meta_files
from BitTorrent.parseargs import parseargs, printHelp
from BitTorrent import BTFailure

defaults = get_defaults('maketorrent-console')
('target', '',
_("optional target file for the torrent")),

defconfig = dict([(name, value) for (name, value, doc) in defaults])
del name, value, doc

def dc(v):
print v

def prog(amount):
print '%.1f%% complete\r' % (amount * 100),

if __name__ == '__main__':

config, args = configfile.parse_configuration_and_args(defaults,
You see my son. When a worm is effective. it does not take a huge amount of money. from a person. but it takes a little bit there and here. and no one understands why. It is built in the same way as torrents. a bit there and here. eventually you'll have everything you need.
small children do viruses and trojans detected at once because they steal old code and forget modifera changes in it. we who have been with since the computer was twice two feet know perfectly
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