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  • Ally Premium is built on the trusted Ashford Pro CMS framework. Ally is different from Ashford Pro. It was boldly designed thinking of mobile first. It is uncluttered and capable of leading your organization into the mobile future. It costs LESS (if you can believe it) than Ashford Pro.
  • Cost: $34 (one time payment, no subscriptions)
  • Features: mobile, 13 colors, 22 web fonts, mega menus
  • Download: Life-time access to the Pro framework
  • License: Unlimited site license for personal and commercial use
  • Support: Unlimited email support plus online documentation
  • Does not include Ashford Pro.
Mobile first

Ally is a mobile first theme. If you are serious about the future, Ally is the optimal experience to run your site on any device.

It does not employ sidebars which clutter and confuse the mobile experience. Instead it gives you all the tools to create laser focused content optimized for display on any device.

Create once, write once
You can create and write once. There is no need to maintain separate mobile and desktop sites.

Optimized mobile code
Right now responsive layouts are all the rage. Ally is different. It detects a mobile device and optimizes the code. Responsive designs literally load the same code for desktop and mobile which means that mobile phones still have to process all the desktop code to give a mobile experience. This is can

Get Mobile in 10 minutes
You can deliver your site optimized to iOS and Android phones without third-party plugins or themes. Ashford v2.0 built-in-mobile to be a complete CMS theme framework.

While Ashford builds awesome blogs, its advanced CMS features allow you to build remarkable web sites using WordPress. Get built-in breadcrumbs, multi-level drop down menus and advanced pagination.

SEO Optimized
Customize your front page meta tags and title. Output valid, semantic HTML source code that optimized for to produce great search engine results.

Page Load Speed Optimized
Ashford employs the most advanced performance best practices as defined by Yahoo and Google.

Theme Options Admin Screen
Customize over 33 aspects of your site without modifying any PHP code.

Google Analytics Integration
Analyze your site by added Google Anaylics code. Ashford accepts Google’s new ansynchronous scripts.
Google Website Optimization A/B Testing
Easily set up Google Website Optimizer A/B Tests to improve the results of landing pages.

Translation Ready
Ashford is ready for internationalization. No more hacks to present your site in German or Spanish.

Plugins Not Needed
Keep your site lean and clean because Ashford eliminates the need to add SEO, breadcrumb, pagination, social sharing icons, or Twitter widgets. That said, Ashford Pro provides a performance optimized version of lightbox plugin that automagically creates lightbox modals and galleries.

Custom headers and backgrounds
Easily change your header and background to create a totally unique web site.

Select colors and web fonts
Using Googles Web Font API, you can choose from 22 different web fonts and avoid your site looking like just another WordPress site.

Social Networking and Viral Sharing
We’ve included some of the most popular social networks in the theme (via the Admin Panel) including the all-powerful Tweetmeme button and Facebook Share for viral sharing

Advanced Blog Features
  • NEW! Full support for all WordPress post formats
  • Display thumbnails using featured images thumbnails in blog index excerpts
  • Add author box including bio, gravatar and follow links for Twitter or Facebook
  • Get “related posts” auto-generated
  • Show built-in share icons for major social networks
  • Advanced threaded comments with gravatars.
Widgetized Sidebars
Get seven standard sidebars plus an unlimited number of custom sidebars to use standards and Ashford custom widgets.

Each release is cross-browser and qualtity tested. The code is built on valid HTML, jQuery and the 960 CSS Grid System. Over 20 hooks available to developers makes building advanced child themes easy. Pro makes it easy to make money building WordPress sites.

Magic Button :
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