Richard Schulze is a natural healer with experience in both western
medical traditions, herbology, European healing traditions, and Eastern
healing traditions. He ran an underground 20 year practice where he saw
over 20,000 deathly ill patients before he was shut down by the
government in the early 90s. His patients had typically been through the
medical system, and been pronounced as hopeless.
This is an educational series about apply holistic, full/broad spectrum approaches to healing cancer naturally.
Dr. Schulze has been around for 30 years that I know of. He is one kickass, go-against-common-practice doctor too. VERY happy to see anything of his. I'd love to see anything else you have. I used to be on his mailing list, but haven't gotten anything for years. +5 rep for ya.
His medicine with added cayenne healed my eye cataract and eyes,i am so grateful to his knowledge.
Whatever you guys get on health pioneers like Schultze,Dr John Ray Christopher,Max Gerson,Hulda Clark,Raymond Rife, get it and keep it safe on external hard drive !
Thanks so much for this awesome share. I've never had cancer and don't plan on getting it,
but I sure know a lot of people who have either had it or have it right now. I'm already into
energy healing, so this is something I am excited to listen to and hopefully be able to help others
with. Thanks again! 5+ reps added.