02-14-2014, 04:45 AM
John Carlton - Scuttlebutt Sessions Interviews
If you don't get this, devour it and put it all into action, you're
just being a complete dumbass. Get it at least for the Halbert
sessions. - Non Conformer
Timeless advanced tactics of marketing insiders who understand the
honest secrets of amazing success and wealth-building.
John Carlton talks to members of his inner circle, covering topics
that may surprise you.
You’re about to hear proven secrets of wealth-building and living well
you can put to work in your life and your business right now.
Ever wonder what kind of top secret, super-privileged info the most
successful and notorious experts share with each other…when they think
you aren’t listening?
“What Successful Marketers Know About Making The Big Bucks… That You Don’t Yet…”
Forget about reading any more books… the REAL action in your business
only starts after you get hip to the advanced tactics of the insiders who
understand the honest secrets of amazing success and wealth-building…
Now, you can get the lowdown on the most urgent and critical topics that
only the best in the biz know how to tweak for maximum results…
Here, finally, is your chance to get the inside scoop on scoring huge in
life and business from superstars like Gary Halbert (on what it takes
to be the “go-to guy” who makes the magic happen in your business)… Dan
Kennedy (on zooming past the obstacles that prevent most people from
tasting true success)… Dean Jackson (on how to stay on the cutting-edge
of Web opportunities, way ahead of your competition)… Bob Pierce (on how
to dominate your market niche, no matter what)… and other “secret
weapon” marketing masters who slip under most people’s radar…
Session 1 – Gary Halbert – The Go To Guy
Gary Halbert and John Carlton. THE most requested, notorious and talked-about call in the series.
A topic I have never heard any other players discuss publicly — namely, what it takes to be that guy who can run the whole show. The guy everyone else knows can be trusted to do whatever is necessary for the job.
A rare trait most people never learn on their own. Priceless insight to how things get done at the upper edges of the marketing world.…
Session 2 – Gary Halbert – Prospering In A Rotten Economy
A frank discussion between Gary Halbert and John Carlton aimed at everyone who has been affected by war, stock market crashes, the paranoia of the buying public, or whatever general bashing of business is going on at the moment.
While most people are singing the blues, a precious few actually enjoy roller-coaster economies — and seeing huge increases in income, despite the horror stories of their less-savvy competition. See what’s up. Learn how to cope and prosper no matter what happens.
Session 3 – Easy Ways To Really Screw Up Your Business
6 Easy Ways to Really Screw Up Your Business
Session 4 – Sam Fishbein – Classic Salesmanship Secrets
John Carlton talks to Sam Fishbein, a world-class copywriter who owned and ran a mega-profitable retail business for 45 years… and (most interesting) managed an enormous stable of “on the floor” sales people.
Sam learned his copy chops working with guys like Jay Abraham, Gary Halbert, as well as Carlton… and
has decades of experience with killer face-to-face salesmanship tactics. And, because he has to teach and motivate and corral actual salesmen (and keep close track of their progress), he has an incredible “scientific” understanding of what it takes for one human being to convince another to buy. This is the great secret at the heart of killer sales copy: persuasion. It’s also the weakest link in most of the copy we critique. You’re gonna love hearing this intense “mini seminar” about salesmanship… and it’s going to increase the power of your own abilities amazingly fast.
Session 5 – Dan Kennedy – The Secrets To Success That Scare Most People Half To Death
A frank discussion between John Carlton and the amazing Dan Kennedy.
John and Dan go way back. They’ve worked on an infomercial together and have spoken at each others seminars multiple times.
You always want to hear what Dan has to say about anything… and in this session, they got down and dirty about what it really takes to succeed. Not your usual interview, by any stretch. Amazing stuff that players gobble up eagerly.
Session 6 – Gary Halbert – Getting It
This is an “R”-rated chat between copywriting legends Gary Halbert and John Carlton.
This is a topic Gary and John hashed and re-hashed over for years — what it takes for people to not just absorb the secrets of world-class business… but what it takes for that information to take hold. In other words: What it takes for someone to “get it”. Most never do, no matter how hard they try. There are deep implications for your business and career here, and if you want to hear what it’s all about, you must listen in on this session.
Session 7 – Robert Pierce – How to Dominate Your Market with Guts and Tactics
A stunning “straight from the trenches” talk between John Carlton and Robert Pierce.
Robert runs OHP, the joint that mails John’s golf ads. Bob’s a master at sensing what will work in any new market… but just as important, he has the “nuts and bolts” expertise to make it work even when short on bread and going up against Fat Cat competition.
The little guy can stomp the fat cats, if you understand the power of showing a little courage and trusting the proven effectiveness of certain, um, “shock and awe” marketing tactics. You’ll never find this kind of real-world advice on the shelves at Barnes and Noble.
Session 8 – Not Available
Session 9 – Scott Haines – War Stories from the Advertising Front Lines
Ever wonder what top copywriters talk about when they get together? John Carton and his good friend and colleague Scott Haines got on the horn and let fly the insider gossip.
You may be shocked to learn how veteran writers think of each other, and what they say when they don’t care who’s listening. It’s great stuff, and will let you in on some secrets about the industry you would never be privy to otherwise. They pissed a lot of people off with this session, for good reason.
Session 10 – Confessions Of An Information Age Info Junkie
Confessions Of An Information
Age Info Junkie
Session 11 – Joe Polish – The Dirty Little Secrets of Zooming from Obscurity to Wealth and Fame
John Carlton calls his marginally-sane friend Joe Polish “Mr. Action Central”, and let me tell you, he earned that title.
This is a guy who started out knowing zilch about anything… and very quickly climbed his way up the success ladder… in one of the smallest and most obscure niche markets in the world.
Nevertheless, he is now famous internationally, selling out mega-expensive seminars in the States, Australia and Europe. He did it by attaching himself to the most powerful and brilliant people in marketing, earning their trust and absorbing their most sought-after secrets. This is all about chutzpah, chops and humility, and you NEED to hear how it’s done… especially if you ever intend to climb the ranks in your own field. More proof that the little guy can beat the fat cats.
Session 12 - Paul Hartunian – The Life-Changing Secrets of Simply Focusing
Most marketers know about Paul Hartunian. He’s a fire-breathing genius at public relations — especially getting millions of dollars worth of it… for free.
Paul’s been interviewed, oh, about a thousand times (including stints on The Tonight Show and national radio) about PR… but John Carlton has always been more interested in the subtle “secrets behind the success” that he knows. Most entrepreneurs understand, intellectually, the necessity of being able to focus… but they almost NEVER put it into action. They simply don’t know how. It’s the difference between driving a car in a video game, and really getting out on the highway. In a souped-up Jaguar. Check this out if you honestly want to move ahead.
Session 13 – JohnCarlton – How To Permanently Stay On The Cutting Edge Of Web Technology
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If you don't get this, devour it and put it all into action, you're
just being a complete dumbass. Get it at least for the Halbert
sessions. - Non Conformer
Timeless advanced tactics of marketing insiders who understand the
honest secrets of amazing success and wealth-building.
John Carlton talks to members of his inner circle, covering topics
that may surprise you.
You’re about to hear proven secrets of wealth-building and living well
you can put to work in your life and your business right now.
![[Image: Snap1.jpg]](http://s23.postimg.org/56xkpm8fv/Snap1.jpg)
Ever wonder what kind of top secret, super-privileged info the most
successful and notorious experts share with each other…when they think
you aren’t listening?
“What Successful Marketers Know About Making The Big Bucks… That You Don’t Yet…”
Forget about reading any more books… the REAL action in your business
only starts after you get hip to the advanced tactics of the insiders who
understand the honest secrets of amazing success and wealth-building…
Now, you can get the lowdown on the most urgent and critical topics that
only the best in the biz know how to tweak for maximum results…
Here, finally, is your chance to get the inside scoop on scoring huge in
life and business from superstars like Gary Halbert (on what it takes
to be the “go-to guy” who makes the magic happen in your business)… Dan
Kennedy (on zooming past the obstacles that prevent most people from
tasting true success)… Dean Jackson (on how to stay on the cutting-edge
of Web opportunities, way ahead of your competition)… Bob Pierce (on how
to dominate your market niche, no matter what)… and other “secret
weapon” marketing masters who slip under most people’s radar…
Session 1 – Gary Halbert – The Go To Guy
Gary Halbert and John Carlton. THE most requested, notorious and talked-about call in the series.
A topic I have never heard any other players discuss publicly — namely, what it takes to be that guy who can run the whole show. The guy everyone else knows can be trusted to do whatever is necessary for the job.
A rare trait most people never learn on their own. Priceless insight to how things get done at the upper edges of the marketing world.…
Session 2 – Gary Halbert – Prospering In A Rotten Economy
A frank discussion between Gary Halbert and John Carlton aimed at everyone who has been affected by war, stock market crashes, the paranoia of the buying public, or whatever general bashing of business is going on at the moment.
While most people are singing the blues, a precious few actually enjoy roller-coaster economies — and seeing huge increases in income, despite the horror stories of their less-savvy competition. See what’s up. Learn how to cope and prosper no matter what happens.
Session 3 – Easy Ways To Really Screw Up Your Business
6 Easy Ways to Really Screw Up Your Business
Session 4 – Sam Fishbein – Classic Salesmanship Secrets
John Carlton talks to Sam Fishbein, a world-class copywriter who owned and ran a mega-profitable retail business for 45 years… and (most interesting) managed an enormous stable of “on the floor” sales people.
Sam learned his copy chops working with guys like Jay Abraham, Gary Halbert, as well as Carlton… and
has decades of experience with killer face-to-face salesmanship tactics. And, because he has to teach and motivate and corral actual salesmen (and keep close track of their progress), he has an incredible “scientific” understanding of what it takes for one human being to convince another to buy. This is the great secret at the heart of killer sales copy: persuasion. It’s also the weakest link in most of the copy we critique. You’re gonna love hearing this intense “mini seminar” about salesmanship… and it’s going to increase the power of your own abilities amazingly fast.
Session 5 – Dan Kennedy – The Secrets To Success That Scare Most People Half To Death
A frank discussion between John Carlton and the amazing Dan Kennedy.
John and Dan go way back. They’ve worked on an infomercial together and have spoken at each others seminars multiple times.
You always want to hear what Dan has to say about anything… and in this session, they got down and dirty about what it really takes to succeed. Not your usual interview, by any stretch. Amazing stuff that players gobble up eagerly.
Session 6 – Gary Halbert – Getting It
This is an “R”-rated chat between copywriting legends Gary Halbert and John Carlton.
This is a topic Gary and John hashed and re-hashed over for years — what it takes for people to not just absorb the secrets of world-class business… but what it takes for that information to take hold. In other words: What it takes for someone to “get it”. Most never do, no matter how hard they try. There are deep implications for your business and career here, and if you want to hear what it’s all about, you must listen in on this session.
Session 7 – Robert Pierce – How to Dominate Your Market with Guts and Tactics
A stunning “straight from the trenches” talk between John Carlton and Robert Pierce.
Robert runs OHP, the joint that mails John’s golf ads. Bob’s a master at sensing what will work in any new market… but just as important, he has the “nuts and bolts” expertise to make it work even when short on bread and going up against Fat Cat competition.
The little guy can stomp the fat cats, if you understand the power of showing a little courage and trusting the proven effectiveness of certain, um, “shock and awe” marketing tactics. You’ll never find this kind of real-world advice on the shelves at Barnes and Noble.
Session 8 – Not Available
Session 9 – Scott Haines – War Stories from the Advertising Front Lines
Ever wonder what top copywriters talk about when they get together? John Carton and his good friend and colleague Scott Haines got on the horn and let fly the insider gossip.
You may be shocked to learn how veteran writers think of each other, and what they say when they don’t care who’s listening. It’s great stuff, and will let you in on some secrets about the industry you would never be privy to otherwise. They pissed a lot of people off with this session, for good reason.
Session 10 – Confessions Of An Information Age Info Junkie
Confessions Of An Information
Age Info Junkie
Session 11 – Joe Polish – The Dirty Little Secrets of Zooming from Obscurity to Wealth and Fame
John Carlton calls his marginally-sane friend Joe Polish “Mr. Action Central”, and let me tell you, he earned that title.
This is a guy who started out knowing zilch about anything… and very quickly climbed his way up the success ladder… in one of the smallest and most obscure niche markets in the world.
Nevertheless, he is now famous internationally, selling out mega-expensive seminars in the States, Australia and Europe. He did it by attaching himself to the most powerful and brilliant people in marketing, earning their trust and absorbing their most sought-after secrets. This is all about chutzpah, chops and humility, and you NEED to hear how it’s done… especially if you ever intend to climb the ranks in your own field. More proof that the little guy can beat the fat cats.
Session 12 - Paul Hartunian – The Life-Changing Secrets of Simply Focusing
Most marketers know about Paul Hartunian. He’s a fire-breathing genius at public relations — especially getting millions of dollars worth of it… for free.
Paul’s been interviewed, oh, about a thousand times (including stints on The Tonight Show and national radio) about PR… but John Carlton has always been more interested in the subtle “secrets behind the success” that he knows. Most entrepreneurs understand, intellectually, the necessity of being able to focus… but they almost NEVER put it into action. They simply don’t know how. It’s the difference between driving a car in a video game, and really getting out on the highway. In a souped-up Jaguar. Check this out if you honestly want to move ahead.
Session 13 – JohnCarlton – How To Permanently Stay On The Cutting Edge Of Web Technology
![[Image: 3925214167_59ccdf777d_z.jpg?w=320&h=240]](https://infosale.files.wordpress.com/2013/03/3925214167_59ccdf777d_z.jpg?w=320&h=240)
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Grab Torrent: John Carlton Scuttlebutt Sessions Interviews (LOTS of GOLD in this) [12 mp3, 12 pdf]
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Grab Torrent: John Carlton Scuttlebutt Sessions Interviews (LOTS of GOLD in this) [12 mp3, 12 pdf]
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