Best Blackhat Forum

Full Version: Hello Fellow BlackHaTTers
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My Name is Nick and I live in the Fiji Islands. I have been lurking around this forum for a while now (in fact from March 2013) but never got an opportunity to say Hi.

So this is my first Hi to all members of this great forum. In fact, I have straight away gone and purchased a SuperVIP membership, as I know I can put my utmost trust on this forum.

C ya guys around,
I think you mean "BlackhatTers".
A "Blackhater" is someone who hates Blacks.

(02-06-2014 06:52 AM)Vmax Wrote: [ -> ]Neet1983:
I think you mean "BlackhatTers".
A "Blackhater" is someone who hates Blacks.


Lol, my first post and I mucked it up Sad
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