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Full Version: [GET] PC Speed Up System PLR Video Series
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Pages: 1 2
(02-06-2014 03:12 AM)Danfree Wrote: [ -> ]Did anybody notice that the last modification date on this stuff is June 2009?

Does this even work any more?????
Yikes good catch. I am suddenly less hopeful about this program being the solution to my PC's problems. But I'll try it anyway. Anyone know if the software has an update upon installation?
Bingo! That's why it is talking about speeding up Vista - it predates Windows 7.
(02-06-2014 03:12 AM)Danfree Wrote: [ -> ]Did anybody notice that the last modification date on this stuff is June 2009?

Does this even work any more?????
still a good share. thanks to the OP.
The basic concepts are still the same.
Change to Windows Classic theme
Install SpyBot, Spy Sweeper, and AVAST!
Buy more RAM
Clean junk files
Looking forward to this one...Thanks...
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