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The Power of Nice: How to Conquer the Business World With Kindness

Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval have moved to the top of the
advertising industry by following a simple but powerful philosophy: it
pays to be nice. Where so many companies encourage a dog eat dog
mentality, the Kaplan Thaler Group has succeeded through chocolate and
flowers. In The Power of Nice, through their own experiences and
the stories of other people and businesses, they demonstrate why,
contrary to conventional wisdom, nice people finish first.

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Turning the well-known adage of “Nice Guys Finish Last” on its ear,
The Power of Nice
shows that “nice” companies have lower employee
turnover, lower recruitment costs, and higher productivity. Nice people
live longer, are healthier, and make more money. In today’s interconnected
world, companies and people with a reputation for cooperation and fair play
forge the kind of relationships that lead to bigger and better opportunities,
both in business and in life.

Kaplan Thaler and Koval illustrate the surprising power of nice with an array
of real-life examples from the business arena as well as from their personal lives.
Most important, they present a plan of action covering everything from
creating a positive impression to sweetening the pot to turning enemies
into allies. Filled with inspiration and suggestions on how to
supercharge your career and expand your reach in the workplace,
The Power of Nice
will transform how you live and work.


“This little book will show you why women should run most corporations in America,
and maybe the entire country. Reading Nice will improve just about everything in your
life, and that’s a promise.”—James Patterson, bestselling author, former CEO of J.
Walter Thompson North America

The Power of Nice is a wonder drug! It could literally save your career and your life….
And let me suggest a first act of kindness: buy some extra copies for your enemies. I’ll
bet they need The Power of Nice more than you do.”
—Keith Ferrazzi, author of Never Eat Alone, the bestselling book on building relationships for success

“Leo Durocher was wrong! Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval’s The Power of Nice
is the antidote to our increasingly mean-spirited culture. I’m going to
send a copy to every political campaign consultant I know.”
—Arianna Huffington

“In negotiation, the cheapest concession you can make is to be nice. And
the returns can be high, as Linda Kaplan Thaler and Robin Koval show in
this delightfully readable primer packed with practical advice and
entertaining stories. I recommend it with pleasure!”
—William Ury, co-author of Getting to Yes and author of The Power of a Positive No (2007).

“For my money, I would always rather make a deal with people I like who
treat me well. If you want to discover the surprising power of nice,
read this book. Memorize it. Use it. You’ll be glad you did.”
—Donald Trump

[Image: Power-Of-Nice-300x135.jpg]

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thanks for the share .. unable to rep for some reason.. ?? not sure why
get ya next time.. maybe I need to restart my browser..

I'll never get around to reading all this stuff but I love them just the same.. sometimes I buy them on Audible
to listen to..

thanks for bringin up good info!
(02-07-2014 11:46 AM)jman1237 Wrote: [ -> ]thanks for the share .. unable to rep for some reason.. ?? not sure why
get ya next time.. maybe I need to restart my browser..

I'll never get around to reading all this stuff but I love them just the same.. sometimes I buy them on Audible
to listen to..

thanks for bringin up good info!
It's worth taking the time to build a large library to have as reference, inspiration and the
instant availability to devour knowledge whenever you want.

The wisdom of thousands of people and countless hours at your call.
This seems interesting to reference at a later time as mentioned above. So definitely had to give some Reps.
Thank You Very Much NonConformer rep added
Thanks NONCONFORMER, you just keep sharing great stuff!! Rep Added! Keep'em comin'!!
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